Simple Scene Management a layer has the size of the device screen it defines appearance and behavior a scene is composed of one or more layers app transitions take place through scenes the director takes care of transitioning between scenes. pts
Simple Scene Management typically one scene is used for the “playable” part of the game others scenes for: title, high scores, options runWithScene tells director to use that scene replaceScene replaces the running scene with another pauseScene puts the current scene on hold for another enus_and_scenes
What we have so far... Source files: AsteroidsAppDelegate.h/m implements UIApplicationDelegate AsteroidScene.h/m is-a CCLayer (the game layer), and implements CCTargetedTouchDelegate
What we will add... A layer over the game layer showing game statistics A new scene to go to when the ship hits an asteroid
For an Overlay Layer add a layer (overlay layer) on top of the game layer containing game status add a scene that uses the overlay layer and the game layer
Overlay layer OverlayLayer : CCLayer { CCLabelAtlas *labelAtlas; (readwrite,assign) CCLabelAtlas *labelAtlas; -(id) init; -(void)
Overlay layer labelAtlas; -(id) init { if( (self=[super init])) { // current game score label... labelAtlas = [CCLabelAtlas itemWidth:16 itemHeight:24 startCharMap:'.']; [self addChild:labelAtlas]; [label setAnchorPoint:ccp(0,0.5f)]; // left align, the default is center align [label setPosition:ccp(20,20)]; } return self; } - (void) draw { [labelAtlas setVisible: YES]; // Update the score on the screen.... NSString *str = [NSString asteroidCount, nil]; [labelAtlas setString:str];
Modify application delegate to use it - (void) applicationDidFinishLaunching:(UIApplication*)application { CC_DIRECTOR_INIT(); // Obtain the shared director in order to... CCDirector *director = [CCDirector sharedDirector]; // Sets landscape mode [director setDeviceOrientation:kCCDeviceOrientationLandscapeLeft]; // Whether or not to display the Frames/Second (FPS) on the bottom-left corner //[director setDisplayFPS:YES]; // UIView subclass for rendering OpenGL scene into. EAGLView *view = [director openGLView]; // Turn on multiple touches [view setMultipleTouchEnabled:YES]; //[director runWithScene: [AsteroidsScene scene]]; CCScene *scene = [CCScene node]; [scene addChild: [AsteroidsScene node] z:0]; // 'z' gives the order stacking [scene addChild: [OverlayLayer node] z:1]; [director runWithScene: scene]; }
For a new scene Create the layer to be used by the new scene Write the call into the code
Translation to layer YouLost : CCLayer { } -(id)
Translation layer YouLost -(id) init { if( (self=[super init])) { CCLabel *label = [CCLabel You hit an asteroid!" Typewriter" fontSize:24]; [self addChild:label]; [label setPosition:ccp(170,20)]; } return self;
Write the call into the code //// //// Chipmunk Physics colission callbacks... //// // Begin: Two shapes just started touching for the first time this step. Return true from the callback to process the collision // normally or false to cause Chipmunk to ignore the collision entirely. If you return false, the pre-solve and post-solve // callbacks will never be run, but you will still recieve a separate event when the shapes stop overlapping. int beginShipHitAsteroid(cpArbiter *arb, cpSpace *space __attribute__ ((unused)), void *data __attribute__ ((unused))) { CCScene *scene = [[CCScene node] addChild:[YouLost node] z:0]; [[CCDirector sharedDirector] replaceScene: scene]; // Returning 0 will cause the collision to be discarded. This allows you to do conditional collisions. return 1; }
Try some fancy scene translations enus_and_scenes Try some fancy transitions: CCFadeTransition CCFlipAngularTransition CCShrinkGrowTransition CCMoveInBTransition CCMoveInTTransition CCMoveInLTransition CCMoveInRTransition CCFadeTRTransition CCFadeUpTransition CCFlipXTransition CCFlipYTransition CCPageTurnTransition CCCrossFadeTransition [[CCDirector sharedDirector] replaceScene: [CCFadeTransition transitionWithDuration:3.0f scene:scene]];