The HORECA market in Spain is worth € 55 billion per annum, 70% independent The tourism market in Spain is 10% of its GDP and is the third largest tourist destination in the world behind the USA and France. 9.2 million tourists landed in Spain during August 2015, making it the best month in history. Spain has a population of 47 million, the 13 th largest economy in the world. Big eating out culture - one in 5 out of home meals in Europe is served in Spain. Current unemployment is circa 21%. But Spain has a current GDP growth rate of 3.1% (2015). We predominantly deal with the tourism market, but we are focused on stepping up to the national market where there will be considerable room to grow!
Food 4 Thot S.L.U., re launched in 2014 after being acquired by Bidvest and now trades under the name Bidvest Foodservice España. Our Central Office is located near Alicante, with a further 7 sales and distribution centers covering the coastal areas of the mainland, the Balearics and the Canary islands. We are a foodservice company with a product range that currently caters for the tourism market. We are known for the quality of our products and a high level of customer service. During 2015 we grew 50% and in 2016 we are also growing at 50%. The business has been loss making but has a plan to get to break even. We work from 7 warehouses:- Approx (3,000 m²) All warehouses have N.R.S. approved health and safety certificates, H.A.C.C.P. and product traceability. We have 26 (3.5t) freezer vehicles which are used for product delivery. We currently employ 40 members of staff (incl. office staff)
Circa 22m people live in this coastal area The Canaries host circa 10m tourist pa – UK< Germany, NL
We have 15 years of experience in the industry We are know for the quality of our products and a high level of customer service. We have a polished business model in the Alicante area which is currently giving us upto10% profit on revenue, which we intend do roll out across the company. Our vision is simple; Capture market using quality products and unbeatable customer service. Having the ability to obtain fast and timely information particularly for a growing platform is critical and is already established. In the past we were a bigger business so our processes and procedures are already in place to cope with a much higher level of turnover. One thing that unites our staff, is our passion for food.
There are strong food logistics operators in Spain. But there seems to be a lack of a true Foodservice player in Spain. There is no one company that services across the 3 temperatures. The Spanish food service market is relatively fragmented and there is an opportunity for a single platform to be created by a major player. We could be that platform. The fragmented Spanish market promotes local distributors who each control a geographical area, are fiercely competitive and are forced to work on low margins and thus provide only a basic service! (this makes them fragile). They often rely on key product exclusivities (such as McCain chips or Coca-Cola) to push their other lines. Our intention is to commercialize products directly to market across the 3 temperatures. This route is the most direct one, with fewer middlemen, better QC, create more competitive pricing and offer a service that no one else is offering. We want to be the first company in Spain to master the one stop shop concept!