Willmar Public Schools – ISD Budget Adjustments
Deficit Spending We spend more than we bring in. Unassigned Fund Balance Similar to a savings account, the unassigned fund balance is used to offset unexpected changes in revenues or expenses. District policy sets a minimum unassigned fund balance of 6% of general fund expenditures. (Policy 714) Balanced Budget Your income equals your expenditures. Definitions
For the year, the district continues to deficit spend despite $1M in budget reductions. Our Present Status
In , the fund balance ended higher than predicted. Legislature added an additional $30 per pupil more than estimated during budgeting. Enrollment is stable and slightly higher than projected. Positives
Even with these positives, we continue to spend more than we bring in…
The biggest part of the district’s budget is salaries and benefits (positions). Unexpected staff turnover Long-term absences requiring substitutes Contract negotiations By we will have a new elementary school, an addition to the middle school, and an addition to the senior high school. Challenges
For the district is projected to deficit spend $1.7M bringing the fund balance down to 6.35% ($3.3M). If the district balances the budget by reducing expenditures $1.7M, the fund balance would be at 9.96% ($4.9M). What Does This Mean?
If the district balances the budget for by reducing $1.7M, the district will be in a better fiscal position for when costs increase to support operations and new facilities.