getting it right for e ery child Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC) / Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 Scottish Government National GIRFEC Team
getting it right for e ery child Secondary Legislation, Statutory Guidance and beyond Commencement of Named Person and Child’s Plan provisions anticipated August 2016 Secondary legislation – Named Persons Order, Child’s Plan Order & Complaints Order Statutory Guidance Practice Materials Working with partners to revise and develop policies and guidance –National –Local National Consistency Vs Local Flexibility
getting it right for e ery child Consultation Response: Key Issues Need for more clarity around children’s rights, the central role of the family and community and the voice/views of the child. Misunderstanding of the Named Person service / Named Person role How will Named Person work during school holidays and for exceptional groups? Need for clarity around planning / Child’s Plan processes to address wellbeing needs
getting it right for e ery child Consultation Response: Key Issues Need for clarity around information sharing – simplified, more focused, more accessible language Process for children and parents to make complaints Role of the Third Sector
getting it right for e ery child Named Persons (Training, Qualifications, Experience & Position) (Scotland) Order Position, and levels of training and experience required Allows for continuity of Named Person service provision Accommodates exceptional circumstances
getting it right for e ery child Child’s Plan (Scotland) Order Information to be included –Includes content required by other statutory & non-statutory planning processes Provision of copies Lead Professional Review –Includes consideration of review timescales required by other statute Transfer of Management Managing authority for LAC
getting it right for e ery child Practice Materials – on going programme of development Touchpoints Outline of Named Person service training programme Implementation of NP for exceptional groups and post school Continuity of NP service during holidays Assessment and planning Child’s Plan – good practice examples Use of Child’s Plan where other requirements apply Seeking the views of children and parents
getting it right for e ery child Timeline Next draft of Guidance and draft Named Persons and Child’s Plan Orders – Nov 2015 (draft Complaints Order to follow) Named Persons, Child’s Plan and Complaints Orders taken through Parliamentary processes early 2016 Final Guidance and Orders Early 2016 Commencement anticipated August
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