PSSA TIPS Charles Green Mr.Clawson
PSSA TIP #1 Tone-accent or inflection expressive of a mood or emotion. You must understand what the tone of the passage is because it can help you understand what are are reading a lot better.
PSSA TIP #2 Mood-a conscious state of mind or predominant emotion. Mood is also important because if there is a question that ask you about the character’s feelings or how the character is feeling. Knowing the mood is a good way to understand the question.
PSSA TIP #3 Diction-choice of words especially with regard to correctness, clearness, or effectiveness. Diction is important because it helps you understand the mood and the tone of the passage.
PSSA Tip #4 Syntax-a connected or orderly system. Syntax is very good to know because when you know where to put your verbs in a sentence.
PSSA Tip #5 Synonym- one of two or more words or expressions of the same language that have the same or nearly the same meaning in some or all senses. Synonym is good to know what it is because if there is a question about synonym and you don’t know it can cause confusion, which can lead to frustration which will cause you to do bad on a test.
PSSA #6 Antonym- is the opposite of the word. Knowing the what the word and what it means can help you understand what the question asks so you will have a better chance of getting the answer right.
PSSA #7 Simile-sentences that use like or as. Simile is used a lot in sentences because things are compared a lot to other things.
PSSA #8 Metaphor- is a sentence that is compared to an animal or an object.Example(He is as strong as an a ox). Metaphor is easy to notice because they will compare to an object or animal.
PSSA Tip #9 Analyze- to read the passage and pick important things from the passage. Analyze is good to do and know because if you know and understand it you should be off a lot better. Analyzing can get you better score on the test.