“The Possibility of Evil” By Shirley Jackson
YOUR FIRST IMPRESSION TOP TEN First Impressions WARM UP: YOUR FIRST IMPRESSION TOP TEN List the top ten things you use to form an opinion of people you meet for the first time.
What Is An Inference? Logical conclusions ASSUMED to be true – is it always? Human inference (i.e. how humans draw conclusions) is traditionally studied within the field of psychology.
What is characterization? It refers to the way a writer develops a character’s personality and traits. Describing a character’s physical appearance Describing a character’s speech, thoughts feelings, or actions Using the narrator to directly comment on a character
Vocabulary - Find a Synonym Preparing To Read: Vocabulary - Find a Synonym 1. Copy the word down on paper. 2. Then use = and your synonym. The groups that get the best synonym the fastest get a prize!
Vocabulary - Find a Synonym Preparing To Read: Vocabulary - Find a Synonym Appropriation: An act of a legislature authorizing money to be paid from the treasury for a specified use; the money thus authorized. Example: a large appropriation for aid to libraries. Synonym: _____________________________________
Vocabulary - Find a Synonym Preparing To Read: Vocabulary - Find a Synonym Banished: To expel from or condemn to exile; to compel to depart; send, drive, or put away. Example: to banish sorrow. Synonym: _____________________________________
Vocabulary - Find a Synonym Preparing To Read: Vocabulary - Find a Synonym Consequently: As a result, effect, or outcome; therefore. Example: There has been a great deal of rain and consequently the reservoirs are full. Synonym: ______________________________________
Vocabulary - Find a Synonym Preparing To Read: Vocabulary - Find a Synonym Degraded: Reduced in quality or value; debased; vulgarized. Example: the degraded level of the modern novel. Synonym: _____________________________________
Vocabulary - Find a Synonym Preparing To Read: Vocabulary - Find a Synonym Indulgently: Benignly lenient or permissive. Example: an indulgent parent. Synonym: _____________________________________
Vocabulary - Find a Synonym Preparing To Read: Vocabulary - Find a Synonym Potential: Possible, as opposed to actual; capable of being or becoming. Example: a potential danger to safety. Synonym: _____________________________________
Vocabulary - Find a Synonym Preparing To Read: Vocabulary - Find a Synonym Proverbial: Having become an object of common mention or reference. Example: your proverbial inability to get anywhere on time. Synonym: _____________________________________
Vocabulary - Find a Synonym Preparing To Read: Vocabulary - Find a Synonym Rapt: Deeply engrossed or absorbed; transported with emotion. Example: She was rapt with joy. Synonym: _____________________________________
Vocabulary - Find a Synonym Preparing To Read: Vocabulary - Find a Synonym Reprehensible: Deserving of reproof, rebuke, or censure; blameworthy. Example: The sale of the historic building was reprehensible. Synonym: _____________________________________
Vocabulary - Find a Synonym Preparing To Read: Vocabulary - Find a Synonym Unchecked: With no oversight, uncontrolled. Example: “As long as evil remained unchecked in the world…” Synonym: _____________________________________
May the most vocabulary words win! On one of your pieces of chart paper, write a sentence (that makes sense!) using as many vocabulary words as possible. May the most vocabulary words win!
On Your other piece of chart paper: Copy the graphic organizer, and fill it in as a group as you read. Write down details that help you to form an opinion of Miss Strangeworth. Miss Strangeworth
Ready To Read? You may read as a group or to yourselves silently. But you will need to be ready to discuss your reading with your group. You are only getting through page 3. Hmmmm…
What Did You Read? What first impressions and inferences have you made about Miss Strangeworth so far? Share with you table.
Use your index card to write a six word summary of the story so far. Ticket Out The Door Use your index card to write a six word summary of the story so far.
Warm Up/Review Write a $2 characterization of Miss Strangeworth, using your vocab sentences and graphic organizer to jog your memory.
Read the story aloud together. Continue Our Reading Read the story aloud together.
Comprehension Check How does Miss Strangeworth secretly warn people about “the possibility of evil?” How is her secret activity discovered? What happens to make her cry at the end of the story?
Why did she write the letters? Would you do something like that? Discuss: Why did she write the letters? Would you do something like that? Did she get what she deserved, or is this a case of ‘two wrongs don’t make a right’?
Show What You Know! How would you describe the two “faces” of Miss Strangeworth? Create a silhouette and drawing that illustrates two different aspects of her life and personality. BE CREATIVE! Your visual characterization of her two sides must include: Drawings of or a detailed list of four events from the story Three visual representations of items mentioned in the story Two visual representations of her personality One quote from the story for EACH SIDE of her personality (total = two quotes) OR one haiku describing her divided personality
IT’S A WRAP! CONCEPT ONE WRAP-UP: ON YOUR OWN Using the story as a reference, rewrite the letters of Miss Strangeworth, but in a POSITIVE way. Then rewrite the last two paragraphs with what might have happened that morning if Miss Strangeworth had instead been spreading positive rumors.