Mr. Spinelli HIF 1O1
Polling Station As you enter the classroom, vote at each of the polling stations by writing a tally mark on the white board.
Polling Station #1 How many of you want to get to know more students before the next school year starts?
Polling Station #2 How many of you want to learn more about technology so that you will be more prepared for secondary school?
Polling Station #3 How many of you want to go to college or university after graduating from high school?
Polling Station #4 How many of you have an idea what type of career you would like to have later on in life?
Polling Station Goals – What are they? Goals Mind Web Goals Reflection So What?
After today’s lesson, you will understand that in order to achieve your long term goals, you must first set short term goals that are measurable and attainable.
What are goals? Something you want to achieve Goals are usually very specific You can quantify them in time They are realistic If you try hard enough you can accomplish them
SMART Goals This is the model to follow for all goals!
Goals Do you think if you want to be a plumber and go to college that is your goal for high school?
Think of your goals as a spectrum over time If you want to achieve your long term goals, you first have to set short and medium term goals Very similar to a ladder, goals build or scaffold one on top of the other Short Term GoalsMedium Term GoalsLong Term Goals
Short Term Goals – Ex. Do well in my classes in Grade 9 Medium Term Goals – Ex. Be part of at least two co-curricular groups before I graduate Long Term Goals – Ex. Graduate from high school and go to college/university
Goals Graphic Organizer Log in to our website and open Unit 1 Day 1 Click on the link for “Goals Graphic Organizer” Save the document to your “H” drive and complete the goals section Remember the distinction between short, medium and long term goals When completed submit it to the drop link found on the home page
Goals Reflection Log in to our website and open Unit 1 Day 1 Click on the link for “Goals Reflection” Save the document to your “H” drive and complete the reflection on the word document Review the rubric as this is the basis for your assessment When completed submit it to the drop link found on the home page
In order to get to where we want to be in the future we need to set goals Goals should follow the SMART model – if we cannot quantify or measure our goals they are difficult to achieve Goals follow a linear time frame – we need to set and achieve our short term goals first to reach our medium term goals, which in turn will allow us to reach our long term goals