Decision Making Under Uncertainty Lec #1: Introduction UIUC CS 598: Section EA Professor: Eyal Amir Spring Semester 2005
Motivation: Autonomous Agents Mobile Robots: Guides, planets, helpers WWW: Agents may represent us on www Software interfaces: reattach interface Diagnosis of faults: printers, computers Security: recognizing & blocking attacks Investment: buying/selling and timing
In This Course Decision making in a dynamic world –Planning (deterministic, non-deterministic) –Stochastic domains: MDPs –Adversarial Situations Partial-Observation models –POMDPs –Sensing and Cost
In This Course Modal Logics? – may touch on Neural Networks? – may use to approximate functions NOT
Your Goal in This Class Learn about this evolving field: Read papers Get depth in one direction and application Advance the state of the art: theory, applications, culminating in a publication
To Succeed in This Class 1.Come to class 2.Do the homeworks: always reading 3.Be willing to do research 1.Prepare one presentation 2.Prepare one project
Course Requirements Basic AI ([Russell & Norvig ’03]): –Planning –Logical reasoning –Probabilistic reasoning Algorithms, computational complexity
Course Requirements #2 Mathematical maturity: proofs, understanding Independence: follow beyond your presentation reading to gain depth Independence: project will require readings that are not specified Independence: search for information instead of thinking it will come to you
Syllabus See handout #1handout #1 Outline: –Lectures 2-3: Planning –Lectures 4-6: MDPs, Reinforcement Learning –Lecture 7: POMDPs –Lectures 8-16: paper presentations –Lectures 17-20: factoring, FOL –Lecture 21: Advensarial situations –Lecture 22: project reviews (in class) –Lectures 23-28: paper presentations –Lecture 29: Poster (projects) presentations & submission
Paper-Presentation Signup Every class one-to-two presenters (if two, must coordinate presentations) Each student: one technical paper + one application paper, from list or proposed ~30min. technical + ~5min. application By 7 th lec. (Feb 7): sign up for paper presentations (instructions on web page)
Project Selection Select from list or suggest your own Projects for one or two people 12 th lec. (Feb 24): Project proposals due 18 th lec. (Mar 17): Extended proposals 22 th lec. (Apr 7): Review of progress (each project 3-5 minute presentation in class)
Questions ?
Homework 1.Read readings for next time (on website) 2.Make sure you know: 1.Completeness theorem for prop. Logic 2.What does soundness mean? 3.Deduction theorem for prop. Logic 4.De-Morgan + Distributive Laws 5.Signatures, formulae, models