Developing Web Services with the Eclipse Web Tools Platform David Gallardo
My books Java Oracle Database Development Eclipse in Action, (lead author) Eclipse in Action, 2 nd edition due out in December Preview article, Introducing the Eclipse Visual Editor available at:
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What are Web Services? Extend the WWW from “The Web for eyeballs” to “The Web for programs” Move from Business2User to Business2Business Language/platform neutral remote procedure calls built on HTTP infrastructure
Locating a web service
Publish WSDL
Locating a web service Query for service
Locating a web service Obtain WSDL
Using a web service Call web service operation
Using a web service Receive result
Web services alphabet soup
Fundamental standards and technologies XML – eXtensible Markup Language: The syntax used for Web Service messages, configuration files, description files, etc. HTTP – Hypertext Transfer Protocol: The standard transport used to communicate between Web Service servers and clients RPC – Remote Procedure Call: The technique of executing a method call remotely—here, the client calling a web service’s operation.
Web Service standards and technologies SOAP – Simple Object Access Protocol. An XML-based standard for sending messages (in a SOAP envelope) between web services and clients. WSDL—Web Service Definition Language XML- based description of a web services public interface. (Similar to CORBA IDL.) UDDI—Universal Description, Discovery and Integration. And XML-based registry for web service. Interrogated with SOAP messages, returns WSDL documents.
Eclipse Web Services Platform Provides tools for: –Web applications using JSP/servlets –EJB –Web Service (based on Apache AXIS) –Database exploration
Java Web Service related protocols JAXP—Java API for XML Processing JAX-RPC—Java API for XML-based RPC JAXR—Java API for XML registries SAAJ—SOAP with Attachments API for Java SAX—Simple API for XML processing DOM API—Document Object Model API
The rest We won’t worry about these for now: DIME—Direct Internet Message Encapsulation HTTPR—Reliable HTTP WSCL—Web Services Conversation Language WSCM—Web Services Component Model WSEL—Web Services Endpoint Language WSFL—Web Services Flow Language WSML—Web Services Meta Language WSXL-Web Services Experience Language WSUI—Web Services User Interface XLANG—Web Services for Business Process Design USML—UDDI Search Markup Language
Eclipse WTP tools for developing a Web Service Top down: –You write the WSDL –Eclipse creates the necessary glue classes and the service’s method stubs in a Java Bean –You implement the operations Bottom up: –You create the web service Java Bean –Eclipse creates the glue classes and the WSDL
Demo Install WTP from update site. Create a web service, bottom-up Exploring a Web Service using the Web Services Explorer (ideally but here we’ll just use the service we created.) Creating a web client for the GoogleAPI web service with WTP. Writing our own client.