Ladok on the Web services for students - to be found in the personal menu on Some screenshots June 2014, VoS
Services to be found in tab ”Courses” and in tab ”Programme”
Academic overview
Registrations: page for semester and course registration (if allowed)
Registration history: all your KTH program and course registrations including exchange studies
Registration history: all your KTH program and course registrations including approved leave from studies
Examination: registration and cancellation (this example shows two registrations and the possibility to make cancellations)
Written exams (scanned)
Results: your reported results
Results: if you have transferred results you can see them at the bottom of the page
Upcoming courses: courses you have been admitted to but not yet been registered for
Transcripts: see your saved transcripts
Transcripts: create transcripts, this picture shows ”Create transcripts”.
Applications for degrees
Settings: found under your name in the personal menu