What Do You Know About Insects? What is your definition of an insect? Do you think that all ''bugs'' are insects why or why not? Now lets take a look at some interesting creatures...
MONKEY GRASSHOPPER Yes or No ? List the characteristics you notice about the Monkey Grasshopper Now make a guess…
MONKEY GRASSHOPPER YES! A monkey grasshopper is indeed an insect. Characteristics we noticed: A pair of wings Three pairs of legs Three segmented body parts Antennae
INDONESIAN MILLIPEDE List the characteristics you notice about the Indonesian Millipede Now make a guess… Yes or No ?
Indonesian Millipede NO! Millipedes are not insects! Characteristics we noticed: Long worm-like body Many legs
TARANTULA SPIDER List the characteristics you notice about the Tarantula Spider Now make a guess… Yes or No ?
TARANTULA SPIDER NO! Tarantulas are not insects, in fact all spiders are not insects. Characteristics we notice: Eight legs Two fangs Two segmented body parts Hairy!
BRUSH-FOOTED BUTTERFLY List the characteristics you notice about the Brush-Footed Butterfly Now make a guess… Yes or No ?
Brush-Footed Butterfly YES ! Butterflies are insects. Characteristics we noticed: Three segmented body parts A pair of wings Three pairs of legs Antennae
VESPID PAPER WASP List the characteristics you notice about the Vespid Paper Wasp Now make a guess… Yes or No ?
Vespid Paper Wasp YES! Wasps are insects. Characteristics we noticed: A pair of wings Six legs Three segmented body parts Antennae
SCORPION List the characteristics you notice about the Scorpion Now make a guess… Yes or No ?
Scorpion NO! Scorpions are definitely not insects! Characteristics we noticed: Two segmented body parts Four pairs of legs Two pairs of pincers Long tail
Why are some creature labeled as insects while other are not? The reason is that there is a very clear definition of what and insect is and there are certain characteristics a creature must have to be called a real insect.
Do you notice any similarities of characteristics between the bugs that are insects? How are they different from the ones that are not insects? Based on this comparison try to make your own definition for “Insect”.
The Definition of Insect An insect is any animal of the class Insecta, that has a body divided into three segments (head, thorax, and abdomen), and has three pairs of legs and most have a pairs of wings.
Now we can understand why the millipede, tarantula, and the scorpion are not insects.
PICTURE SOURCES Monkey Grasshopper: 08.html 08.html Indonesian Millipede: 06.html 06.html Tarantula Spider: rose-hair-tarantula/ rose-hair-tarantula/ Brush-Footed Butterfly: rush-footed-butterfly rush-footed-butterfly Vespid Paper Wasp: disease/ disease/ Scorpion: bugs bugs Light Bulb: _archive.htm _archive.htm Title Page Clipart:,,,,,