James and The Giant Peach Vocabulary Fifth Grade Novel Study
Fifth Grade Novel Study Chapter 12 - 13 Vocabulary Fifth Grade Novel Study
Words to Know slither disagreeable musician scornful colossal ambled rascal hysterics hammock gossamer shimmered drowsily
colossal Large, huge disagreeable slither scornful Musician colossal hysterics rascal hammock shimmered ambled Drowsily gossamer colossal Large, huge
rascal A mischievous person disagreeable slither scornful Musician colossal hysterics rascal hammock shimmered ambled Drowsily gossamer rascal A mischievous person
scornful upset disagreeable slither scornful Musician colossal hysterics rascal hammock shimmered ambled Drowsily gossamer scornful upset
shimmered Glisten, glitter disagreeable slither scornful Musician colossal hysterics rascal hammock shimmered ambled Drowsily gossamer shimmered Glisten, glitter
hysterics Unmanageable emotion disagreeable slither scornful Musician colossal hysterics rascal hammock shimmered ambled Drowsily gossamer hysterics Unmanageable emotion
Someone who plays a musical interment disagreeable slither scornful Musician colossal hysterics rascal hammock shimmered ambled Drowsily gossamer musician Someone who plays a musical interment
To slide around like a snake disagreeable slither scornful Musician colossal hysterics rascal hammock shimmered ambled Drowsily gossamer slither To slide around like a snake
Not agreeing with something disagreeable slither scornful Musician colossal hysterics rascal hammock shimmered ambled Drowsily gossamer disagreeable Not agreeing with something
Swing between two trees made out of rope disagreeable slither scornful Musician colossal hysterics rascal hammock shimmered ambled Drowsily gossamer hammock Swing between two trees made out of rope
To walk slowly or leisurely disagreeable slither scornful Musician colossal hysterics rascal hammock shimmered ambled Drowsily gossamer ambled To walk slowly or leisurely
A very fine spider silk gossamer disagreeable slither scornful Musician colossal hysterics rascal hammock shimmered ambled Drowsily gossamer gossamer A very fine spider silk
In a tired way drowsily disagreeable slither scornful Musician colossal hysterics rascal hammock shimmered ambled Drowsily gossamer drowsily In a tired way
Not agreeing upset Which means the same thing as the underlined word? The boy was very disagreeable when it came to doing his homework. Not agreeing upset
Which means the same thing as the underlined word? The snake slithered in the grass. glide rolled
Which means the same thing as the underlined word? The little boy was scornful because his sister took his toy. upset happy
One who plays music An insect Which means the same thing as the underlined word? The grasshopper was a musician and loved to play his music. One who plays music An insect
huge clean Which means the same thing as the underlined word? The bedroom was a colossal mess because of all of the clothes on the floor. huge clean
Which means the same thing as the underlined word? The woman was in hysterics because she couldn’t find her daughter. looking Out of her mind
One that creates mischief Which means the same thing as the underlined word? The little rascal shredded the toilet paper all over the ground. One that creates mischief Good dog
An outdoor swing Wooden chair Which means the same thing as the underlined word? The man lazed around in his hammock by the beach. An outdoor swing Wooden chair
silk insect Which means the same thing as the underlined word? The spider spun the gossamer into a web. . silk insect
sparkled slithered Which means the same thing as the underlined word? The lights shimmered on the water. sparkled slithered
Slowly walked ran Which means the same thing as the underlined word? The old man ambled around his garden. Slowly walked ran
In a tired way Working hard Which means the same thing as the underlined word? The man sat at his desk drowsily, trying to stay awake. In a tired way Working hard
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