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1 During what century did women begin to take an active role in providing health care?
1 19th Home
2 Insulin was a drug discovered in the 20 th century to treat what disease?
2 Diabetes
3 What period in history saw the building of universities and medical schools as well as the dissection of the body?
3 The Renaissance Period
4 During primitive times, what might the witch doctor give a person to relieve pain or illness?
4 Herbs and plants
5 What disease occurred during the Middle Ages that killed 75% of the population in Europe and Asia?
5 Bubonic plague
6 What civilization was the first to study disease and discover that disease was caused by the lack of sanitation?
6 Greeks
7 What event marked the beginning of the Dark Ages when the study of scientific-based medicine stopped?
7 The fall of the Roman Empire
8 S What plan was passed by the government in the 20 th century to assure that everyone has access to quality health care?
8 Medicare and Medicaid Act Home
9 In what century were antibiotics first developed?
9 20th