Brainstorming Session on Inter-State Sharing of resources for Disaster Management
The present scenario Disaster management-primarily responsibility of the States Central assistance to the affected State as per established norms During a major disaster, other States respond spontaneously to help the affected State—Orissa Super cyclone 1999 and Gujarat Earthquake 2001
The present scenario…contd Assistance offered by other States in wake of major disasters include provision of: Trained human resource for disaster response, Specialized equipments Essential relief items, Emergency medical assistance States have also played a crucial role in the post-disaster reconstruction efforts –Reconstruction of houses and public infrastructure
The context Inter-state collaboration in post-disaster phase – Unique feature of Indian polity –Huge potential for speedy and expeditious response and recovery –To increase with changing demographic pattern and cosmopolitan nature of the society Inter-state dependence in post-disaster phase –Limitations due to road, sea and air networks –Need for bulk supplies for relief in short time States have pre-contract and pre-agreements for relief supplies
Scope for collaboration Response phase: Large scale disasters can reduce the response capability of a State necessitating outside assistance Ensure speedy mobilization of specialist teams on a large scale Ensure mobilization of supplies in a very short time frame Donor and recipient States need to identify Areas of support? Terms and conditions of support?
Contd. Preparedness –Early warning and dissemination –Communication networks –Training of Specialist teams –Joint drills in border districts –Identification of special facilities for post- disaster situations
Contd. Prevention and mitigation –hazard and vulnerability assessment (e.g. common river basins, technological disasters ) –training and capacity enhancement –Know-how for structural and non-structural mitigation Collaboration among institutions in States Exchange of information and good practices Research and Development in areas of common interest
Process for institutionalizing the approach State DM Policy to provide for such an arrangement Arrangement for inter-state sharing of resources to be incorporated in State DM Plans DM codes to be amended so as to provide for mutual assistance Signing of MoU between States for mutual support during all phase of a disaster.