S ECTION 2: W AR A FFECTS S OCIETY Main Idea: The Civil War caused social, economic, and political changes in the North and the South /NA jpg
D ISAGREEMENT A BOUT THE W AR Confederate soldiers were leaving the army in large groups Lost almost 40% of their men Copperheads- Northern Democrats who favored peace with the South
D RAFT L AWS Conscription- known as the draft all abled white men from ages were required to join the army were exceptions- planters with 20 or more slaves could avoid military service Were allowed to hire substitutes Bounties- cash payments - $300 to men who volunteered to serve
E CONOMIC E FFECTS OF THE W AR Food shortage in the south Inflation- an increase in price and decrease in the value of money Income tax- tax on earnings Greenbacks- new paper currency
R ESISTANCE BY S LAVES Slaves: slowed work pace or just stopped working Slaves sabotaged: destroyed crops and farm equipment White planter went to fight for the Union while slaves stayed back and waited to be freed Some slaves rebelled: ran away from plantations and joined Union forces After the Emancipation Proclamation the number of fleeing slaves increased
W OMEN A ID THE W AR E FFORT Women- Plowed fields Ran farms/plantations Took over jobs in offices and factories Social changes happened Worked at relief agencies Worked as spies i.e. - Harriet Tubman in South Carolina (Union) - Belle Boyd (Confederate)
C IVIL W AR P RISON C AMPS Soldiers captured on field sent to prison camps i.e.(North)- - Elmira, NY- worst ~worst camp in North because of hash winters ~ 12,121 died because of winters i.e. (South)- ~built to hold 10,000 prisoners ~ had little shelter for heating/cooling ~ slept in scratched in dirt ~drinking water from creek ~ 100 men died each day 50,000 men died in both Civil War camps