MyFloridaMarketPlace MyFloridaMarketPlace Change Review Board November 13, 2007
Page - 2 Agenda Welcome / Introduction Items in need of a Vote! Refreshing of Buyer Training Environment SIR 373- Language to be included when the customer submits a change order Amending escalation dates from 7 and 14 “business” days to 5 and 10 “business” days Failed Purchase Order Process Enhanced Operational Reporting Update Change Requests CRB Going Forward Wrap-Up!
Page - 3 Next Speaker Debbie Gries, Process Management Team
Page - 4 Agenda Welcome / Introduction Items in need of a Vote! Refreshing of Buyer Training Environment SIR 373- Language to be included when the customer submits a change order Amending escalation dates from 7 and 14 “business” days to 5 and 10 “business” days Failed Purchase Order Process Enhanced Operational Reporting Update Change Requests CRB Going Forward Wrap-Up!
Page - 5 Refreshing of Buyer Training Decision to be made: To determine the frequency to refresh all users and all transactions in the training environment. The last refresh included not only all current coding but was a full refresh of users and transactions. Keeping in mind that as agencies build their training tools (including “test” users), when a full refresh is done, all of the test users are removed from the training environment and the refresh is a replicate of the Production environment. Therefore, the CRB will be asked to vote for a quarterly or semi-annual refresh of this data. Currently, the coding with Buyer releases to SIRs (System Investigation Requests) and ODUs (Operational Data Updates, e.g. changes to workflow, adding a Central Receiver, etc.) get put in to the training environment the day after the release and/or when the ODU goes into Production. Option #1: Refresh all users and transactions on a quarterly basis Option #2: Refresh all users and transactions on a semi-annual basis VOTE: Option 1 / Option 2 CRB Voted Option #1
Page - 6 Amending escalation dates from 7 and 14 “business” days to 5 and 10 “business” days Issue: The task to send an is at 7 business days and escalate to the “supervisor” is at 14 business days which can lead to a total of 21 calendar days. No notifications or escalations occur on the weekend. Option #1: Leave escalation time frames as they are: 7 and 14 business days, respectively Option #2: Amend the escalation time frames to be: 5 and 10 business days, respectively VOTE: Option 1 / Option 2 CRB Voted Option #2
Page - 7 SIR 373- Language to be included when the customer submits a change order SIR 373 description: If a line item on the purchase order has been totally paid out and therefore closed in FLAIR, the change order will go through but will not update any of the paid out lines in FLAIR This is because the change order is only allowed to go through because of a DNP (do not process) status on the paid out line Considerations Should the user fail to contact their Purchasing and/or Finance and Accounting office for assistance, they could still make a change to the paid out line, but that line will not be updated in FLAIR If the user creates a new line (which will be a recommendation we suggest is implemented) then all appropriate encumbrances, minus the paid out line, will go to FLAIR to be updated. The resolution to SIR 373 is a business process only, i.e. a warning message will be displayed, in red text, when the change request is submitted. Options are shown on the following page.
Page - 8 SIR 373- Language to be included when the customer submits a change order Recommended Warning messages: Option #1: "You have requested changes to a Requisition with an encumbered line item that has been closed in FLAIR. Proceeding will result in your encumbrance in FLAIR not being recorded. Click cancel to return to your changes and contact your local F & A or Purchasing Office for assistance.“ Option #2: “You have requested changes to a Requisition with an encumbered line item whose encumbered dollars has been totally spent and therefore has been closed in FLAIR. Any additional encumbrance is not allowed. Please contact your local F & A or Purchasing Office for assistance before proceeding. Click cancel to return and review your changes.“ Option #3 (developed during the CRB): Please contact your local F & A or Purchasing Office for assistance before proceeding. You have requested changes to a Requisition with an encumbered line item whose encumbered dollars has been totally spent and therefore has been closed in FLAIR. Click cancel to return and review your changes.“ VOTE: Option 1 / Option 2/ Option 3 CRB Voted Option #3
Page - 9 Failed Purchase Order Process The MFMP team revised the Failed Purchase Orders process including the development of a twice weekly Failed Purchase Order report The report is intended to assist agencies in knowing what POs failed, when, why, if the PO was successfully sent and if the agency needs to take any action The report is inclusive of all agencies, and is sent via each Tuesday and Friday The report is provided as a zipped Excel file and can be sorted by your specific agency name, preparer (submitted by), order # and/or vendor name The report will be sent to the agency liaisons only The CRB was asked to provide a response on three action items and responses are as shown on the following pages
Page - 10 Failed Purchase Order Process Question #1: Does the frequency of the report meet your needs? All agencies who responded stated: YES Question #2: Is the data provided useful and easily understood? All agencies who responded stated: YES, HOWEVER, additional changes requested to the report are as follows: The heading of column C should read: “Purchase Order Number” with the DO number only; There should be another column with the heading “Attachments” with either a Y or N to indicate whether there are attachments; Another column should be inserted that displays only the PUI number, and there should be a column next to the Preparer column that lists the On Behalf Of user Response: At this time, this additional request is not possible due to the limitations we have from the reporting system this information is manually being gathered from (Pivotal)
Page - 11 Failed Purchase Order Process Question #3: The notification from the CSD is going to the preparer and the agency liaison. Is this sufficient? Or does the notification need to go to the Preparer, OBO and the agency liaison? PLEASE NOTE: the question was only regarding the notification and not the dissemination of the report. Due to the manual process of the report, it will continue to be sent via to the agency liaisons only. (Option 1) DC and DOT: The notification should be sent to the Preparer and the On Behalf Of. The agency liaison(s) should be copied. (Option 2) DFS, DOR, HSMV: The Preparer, On Behalf Of and the Agency Liaison be notified when a purchase order fails. DJJ: Failed order information should be sent to the OBO as well as the preparer/requester. DOH: The preparer needs to be notified via , not the agency liaison also. VOTE: Option 1 / Option 2 CRB Voted Option #1
Page - 12 Failed Purchase Order Process Additional questions raised during this request were as follows: Question: It is important that any attachments of the DO are forwarded to the vendor in the event the DO fails. Does MFMP handle this or would this be a responsibility of DFS? Response: When Purchase Orders fail and the agency is notified by the CSD (BuyerHelp) that attachments are included, the agency is then responsible for sending any attachments to the vendor. Question: I have noticed that PO/DO keeps being used on reports/memos/e- mails. What is the official terminology, because DFS uses “DO” and this may be confusing to first time users. Please clarify. Response: DO is the abbreviation for Direct Order which is a terminology used within ARIBA. The order is still a Purchase Order to the vendor.
Page - 13 Next Speaker Rachael Lieblick, Process Management Team
Page - 14 Agenda Welcome / Introduction Items in need of a Vote! Refreshing of Buyer Training Environment SIR 373- Language to be included when the customer submits a change order Amending escalation dates from 7 and 14 “business” days to 5 and 10 “business” days Failed Purchase Order Process Enhanced Operational Reporting Update Change Requests CRB Going Forward Wrap-Up!
Page - 15 Enhanced Operational Reporting As a continuous improvement objective, the project is looking at enhancing operational reporting capability Operational Reporting Group comprised of agencies from the CRB has met twice Group reviewed current reporting tools available and discussed gaps: Recommended to make updates to a few existing reports. Invoice Reconciliation Report FLAIR Voucher Summary Payments Completed in FLAIR Outstanding Encumbrance Report All Outstanding Encumbrance Report Recommended a new report Payment History Report will include payment history details for all open purchase orders
Page - 16 Enhanced Operational Reporting Operational Reporting (Cont.) Recommended changes to Analysis Add all accounting fields to Analysis Recommended changes to System Searches Increase the number of returned results in system searches Add additional fields to the display
Page - 17 Next Speaker Scott Rainey, MyFloridaMarketPlace Team
Page - 18 Agenda Welcome / Introduction Items in need of a Vote! Refreshing of Buyer Training Environment SIR 373- Language to be included when the customer submits a change order Amending escalation dates from 7 and 14 “business” days to 5 and 10 “business” days Failed Purchase Order Process Enhanced Operational Reporting Update Change Requests CRB Going Forward Wrap-Up!
Page - 19 MFMP Short Term Focus - Functional Improvements ~77 Change Requests exist as of mid October Based on previous recommendations and current situation, 8 Change Requests (CRs) have been identified for strategic priority (next slide) Short term stakeholder focus for functional improvements (October ’07 – March ’08) Agency Fix outstanding Buyer SIR (~105 as of 11/6/07) Continue Operational Reporting efforts Administrative clean up of Change Requests Select functional CR for 2Q08 (April – July) Enhance FLAIR-MFMP interface to allow Level II access for DOAH and FSDB Office of Supplier Diversity Enhance CMBE/MBE functionality Vendors Improve Billing and Collection system
Page - 20 High Priority Change Requests TitleCustomerDescription Vendor Address on IR Form and Print `Does Business As` name and 1099 name on Physical PO AgencyModify the Invoice Reconciliation order to display the 1099 name as well as the DBA name. In addition, the load program will need additional logic to evaluate the 1099 Name and the DBA name and if they are the same then don't update MFMP. Mass Edit Functionality for the Purchasing Code and Method of Procurement Fields AgencyThe Mass Edit functionality be extended to include the Purchasing Code and Method of Procurement fields. Currently, these codes must be updated individually on each line item. CR248 has been rolled into this CR to add the grouping character to the mass edit functionality as well. Edit capabilities on Master Agreements Agency1) Full edit capabilities, including the ability to delete an entire line item, for Master Agreements (MAs). 2) Comments entered on the Master Agreement Request (MAR) should automatically be carried over onto the related MA, in the same way that any change or comment made to a PR is included on the related DO. Mass Edit IRsAgencyCurrently mass editing is only a function that is included on a PR. Editing efficiencies can be gained by being able to Mass edit the IR for all line items. Enhanced Operational ReportingAgencyComplete functionality TBD. Current related CR: Accounting level detail in Analysis, and additional search result fields in Buyer (PR#, DO#, Enc#, Vendor) Add six-digit commodity to Sourcing SP/VendorDMS would like to have Sourcing 2.0 modified to accommodate six-digit commodity codes (first three digits designate class and next three digits designate group). Redesign of CBI Details pageVendorChange layout of CBI Details page to make it easier to understand (e.g. add total for CBI Charges, display whether or not a charge is exempt, update wording of existing totals under CBI Debits, reformat CBI Summary data and designate it as such). OSD - AutomationOSDEstablish an interface between OSD and the MFMP Vendor database that encompasses data changes that relates to vendor information for minority and women owned businesses that are both general in nature (name and address) and specific to the minority subject matter.
Page - 21 Agenda Welcome / Introduction Items in need of a Vote! Refreshing of Buyer Training Environment SIR 373- Language to be included when the customer submits a change order Amending escalation dates from 7 and 14 “business” days to 5 and 10 “business days” Failed Purchase Order Process Enhanced Operational Reporting Update Change Requests CRB Going Forward Wrap-Up!
Page - 22 Agenda Welcome / Introduction Items in need of a Vote! Refreshing of Buyer Training Environment SIR 373- Language to be included when the customer submits a change order Amending escalation dates from 7 and 14 “business” days to 5 and 10 “business days” Failed Purchase Order Process Enhanced Operational Reporting Update Change Requests CRB Going Forward Wrap-Up!