M IDDLE C OLONIES Delaware Pennsylvania New York New Jersey Delaware New Jersey New York Pennsylvania
The soil was very fertile, this means that it was good for growing crops. The climate and soil were excellent for farming. The growing seasons were long, and the winters were short. These colonies were called the “breadbasket” of the colonies, because they provided much of the food for the rest of the regions. M IDDLE C OLONIES -L AND AND C LIMATE
M IDDLE C OLONIES -E CONOMY They sold much of what they grew. If they had a bad season they probably wouldn’t have much to eat or drink. In cities, artisans made things like silverware, furniture, and clothing to sell.
M IDDLE C OLONIES - F OOD They grew apples, wheat, corn, tobacco. They also ate chickens, pigs, cows. They hunted for deer, rabbits and turkey.
M IDDLE C OLONIES - P EOPLE The people came from many places: Germany, Holland, Scotland, Ireland, and England. There were some slaves. The people came from all walks of life ~ some rich, some poor.
M IDDLE C OLONIES -R ELIGION The middle colonies had a wide variety of religions: Quaker, Protestant, Jewish, and Catholic They thought church should be an every day thing. Colonists went to church, but they also used it as a meeting place.
M IDDLE C OLONIES -E DUCATION School starts at 7:00 a.m. Boys and girls studied art, music, French, needle work and girls learned how to nurse.
M IDDLE C OLONIES -C LOTHING Girls wore simple dresses Most of the clothing was made out of wool. They usually wore wigs
M IDDLE C OLONIES -F UN T IME Colonists had parks but they didn’t have swing sets. They played games like hide and seek, marbles and other games we know about. Children had many chores to do, so free time was limited.