Earth Day April 22, 2010
History Earth Day was started in 1970 by a man named John Mc Connell from the United States. It was originally held on the annual celebration of the March Equinox and still is by many people. However, it is generally celebrated on April 22. Earth day is now celebrated worldwide. Earth Day was started in 1970 by a man named John Mc Connell from the United States. It was originally held on the annual celebration of the March Equinox and still is by many people. However, it is generally celebrated on April 22. Earth day is now celebrated worldwide.
Today… Earth Day is a very special day specifically designed for all of us to think about earth issues. It is not only a special day in the town where we live, but a day that the whole world participates in! Often there are celebrations, event or campaigns that concern us with earth matters. Earth Day is a very special day specifically designed for all of us to think about earth issues. It is not only a special day in the town where we live, but a day that the whole world participates in! Often there are celebrations, event or campaigns that concern us with earth matters.
What can you do? Reduce Reduce Reuse Reuse Recycle Recycle
What can we recycle? Glass Glass Plastic Plastic Newspapers Newspapers Aluminum & Metal Aluminum & Metal
Websites to Check Out Habitat Destruction & Global Warming — Habitat Destruction & Global Warming — Solid Waste Recycling — Solid Waste Recycling — Fight Global Warming — What can you do — Fight Global Warming — What can you do — Kids Saving Energy — Kids Saving Energy — Global Warming for Beginners — rs.stm Global Warming for Beginners — rs.stm rs.stm rs.stm
Things to do in Class: Recycle Competition: Many classrooms already have recycling barrels next to the trash can, but you can start a competition with your hall to see which class can save the most newspapers, soda cans, water bottles or any other recyclable item. Recycle Competition: Many classrooms already have recycling barrels next to the trash can, but you can start a competition with your hall to see which class can save the most newspapers, soda cans, water bottles or any other recyclable item. Plan an end-of-the-day room check: During the last few minutes of the day, have your children make sure all the water faucets are completely turned off, blinds are closed, lights are off and windows are closed. You can give different groups a checklist for each part of the room. Plan an end-of-the-day room check: During the last few minutes of the day, have your children make sure all the water faucets are completely turned off, blinds are closed, lights are off and windows are closed. You can give different groups a checklist for each part of the room. Start a class website: Older students will respond to a class website, where they can get homework help, submit discussion questions, and play with interactive study guides, all of which save paper. Start a class website: Older students will respond to a class website, where they can get homework help, submit discussion questions, and play with interactive study guides, all of which save paper.
Start Today… “Every person is the right person to Act. Every moment is the right moment to begin.” “Every person is the right person to Act. Every moment is the right moment to begin.”~