Alternatively Fueled Vehicles The Pollution Solution?
Outline l Introduction l History l Types l Efficiencies l Why Hybrids? l Conclusions
Why Change? Conventional emissions 1/3 of CO2 emissions worldwide In urban areas 40% of ozone 80-90% of CO 50-60% of other toxins
Why Change? l A non-renewable resource l ~80 years l Gasoline prices high
Not a New Idea Electric vehicle l First conceived of in mid-1800s l Easier to start, more reliable l Less range, harder to refuel Hybrids l One patented in 1905 l One in Ford museum (~1910)
PNGV l The Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles – September 1993 l Government and Industry partnership l Reconcile the automobile with the environment l Ensure long-term competitiveness of the automobile industry l 80mpg car mid-sized sedan
Types: Fuel Cell Advantages l Less air pollution l Greater efficiency than ICEs l Refillable Disadvantages l Expensive l Not ready for production (at least two more years testing) Convert fuel directly to energy Proton-exchange fuel cell Types: Fuel Cell
Types: Electric Advantages l Zero emission l Use regenerative braking l Very quiet ride l 1/10 as polluting as ICEs (total) Disadvantages l Very heavy (batteries) l Low acceleration l Limited range before recharging Run on rechargeable batteries
EV1– 1999 Model l Two-seater l Battery = 2 gallons of gas l Range ~ 130 miles l 0 to 60 mph in 9 seconds (that’s fast!) l Cost reduction when leased ($34,000 to buy) l 97% fewer emissions total
Hybrids l “…at least one of the energy stores, sources, or converters can deliver electric energy” (Wouk, 1995) l Combine multiple types of energy production/storage units n Flywheels n Ultracapacitors l Hybrid electric
Hybrid Electric Vehicle Advantages l Optimises engine performance l No range problems (engine charges batteries) l 1/8 as polluting as ICEs (total) Disadvantages l Not 100% emission free Combines ICE and EV
Series Vs. Parallel
Series l Very efficient – long range with small engine & generator l Less powerful Parallel l More powerful (feels like ICE) l Smaller engine and motor – less efficient
Toyota Prius l Combines series and parallel characteristics l $20,450 base price l Seats five l City/Highway mpg: 52/45 (double Camry)
Efficiency Internal Combustion Engines l Average power ~100kW, average used during city driving ~7.5kW l Efficiency of engine depends on load n Engines today – 30-40% thermal efficiency n When idling/low load, 15% efficiency l Fuel evaporates
Efficiency Electric Vehicles l Power generation – 38% l Power transmission – 94% l Charge/discharge of battery – 55% l Total efficiency ~ 55% (based on JSAE review estimate)
Efficiency Hybrid Electric Vehicles l Operate gasoline engine at top efficiency (see figure, next slide) l Charge battery when vehicle is idling l Overall efficiency ~70%
Efficiency of Gasoline Engine
Efficiency: Comparison.4Walking.2HEV carpool of four.5ULEV-HEV car, 80mpg.7Fuel cell, H2 from NG.8EV,.295kWh/mi new car fleet new car fleet new car fleet Energy consumption (kWh/mi) (total) Method of Transportation
Why Hybrids? l Already in development l Battery technology cannot produce results at the moment l Fuel cell technology too expensive l Power of ICE (for same size vehicle)
Conclusions l 80mpg goal of PNGV l Tier II emission standards (.07 gpm NOx,.02 gpm PM) l Safe, average cost mid-sized sedan l Improved technology – fuel cell, batteries