Kanton Basel-Stadt Barrier-free access to tram and bus in Basel , Walk21, Vienna Barbara Auer, Department of Public Works and Transport of the Canton of Basel-Stadt, Head of section “Traffic infrastructure”, Mobility office
Kanton Basel-Stadt What does „barrier-free access“ imply? | 2Walk21, Vienna - Barrier-free access to tram an bus in Basel
Kanton Basel-Stadt Why do we need barrier-free access to public transport? | 3Walk21, Vienna - Barrier-free access to tram an bus in Basel
Kanton Basel-Stadt Effect - impacts to allow all humans to participate at social life and economic activities Public Transport increase attractiveness through suitable and safe access > environment! stable schedule due to efficient passenger transfer > costs! | 4Walk21, Vienna - Barrier-free access to tram an bus in Basel
Kanton Basel-Stadt Technical basics at tram stops Vertical clearance Horizontal clearance Vehicle floor Platform | 5Walk21, Vienna - Barrier-free access to tram an bus in Basel
Kanton Basel-Stadt Technical basics at tram stops 27cm 122cm 72cm | 6Walk21, Vienna - Barrier-free access to tram an bus in Basel
Kanton Basel-Stadt BVB: Low-floor tram “Flexity” Low-floor tram “Combino” BLT: Low-floor tram “Tango” Schindler Sedan-vehicle Why this solution? Vehicles from 2018 | 7Walk21, Vienna - Barrier-free access to tram an bus in Basel
Kanton Basel-Stadt Why this solution? No possibility for a folding or sliding step! Sliding step in Bern Photo: Dossier TramBernWest | 8Walk21, Vienna - Barrier-free access to tram an bus in Basel
Kanton Basel-Stadt Challenge: bends and slope longitudinal incline: max. 6% | 9Walk21, Vienna - Barrier-free access to tram an bus in Basel Complex Solutions for different radiuses
Kanton Basel-Stadt Challenge: various and incongruent needs Photos: Procap, Stefan Anderegg, Urs Baumann | 10Walk21, Vienna - Barrier-free access to tram an bus in Basel
Kanton Basel-Stadt Bicycle icon between tracks at tram capes Provisory result: insufficiently perceived and little influence on behaviour of cyclists Test phase for cyclists improvements at tram stops Bicycle bumbout at tram stops Monitoring before rebuilding / after rebuilding without / with traffic light. Provisory result: no need for action on the particular elements of the tram stop. | 11Walk21, Vienna - Barrier-free access to tram an bus in Basel
Kanton Basel-Stadt Bicycle icon between tracks at tram capes Provisory result: insufficiently perceived and little influence on behaviour of cyclists Test phase for cyclist improvements at tram stops Bicycle bumbout at tram stops Monitoring before rebuilding / after rebuilding without / with traffic light. Provisory result: no need for action on the particular elements of the tram stop. | 12Walk21, Vienna - Barrier-free access to tram an bus in Basel
Kanton Basel-Stadt Challenge: Coordination and prioritization | 13Walk21, Vienna - Barrier-free access to tram an bus in Basel
Kanton Basel-Stadt Reconstruction program Realization of barrier-free access dependent on: Modification of old vehicles Acquisition of modern low- floor vehicles until 2018 Tram stops: balance end 2015 Realized: 6 stops (5%) in planning: 72 stops (64%) No status: 35 stops (31%) > to coordinate Huge effort necessarily until end of 2023! Realisation possible from | 14Walk21, Vienna - Barrier-free access to tram an bus in Basel
Kanton Basel-Stadt Prioritization from users point of view Importance based on: -Passengers boarding / disembarking -Transfer function -Structure of surroundings (300m) Priority of tram stops: 28% low 44 % medium 28% high | 15Walk21, Vienna - Barrier-free access to tram an bus in Basel
Kanton Basel-Stadt Challenge: Bus stops and combined stops | 16Walk21, Vienna - Barrier-free access to tram an bus in Basel
Kanton Basel-Stadt Standard solution High curb “Kasseler Sonderbord Plus” in granite Height 22 cm Fall back solution Normal curb in granite Height 16 cm Principle decision for curb at bus stop | 17Walk21, Vienna - Barrier-free access to tram an bus in Basel
Kanton Basel-Stadt First barrier-free tram stops in Basel | 18Walk21, Vienna - Barrier-free access to tram an bus in Basel
Kanton Basel-Stadt Thanks for your interest! | 19Walk21, Vienna - Barrier-free access to tram an bus in Basel