Friday, May 9 th, 2014 Endangered: Leatherback sea turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) Kingdom: Animalia Class: Reptilia Order: Testudines Family: Dermochelyidae The leatherback is the largest, deepest diving, & most migratory of all sea turtles. Adults can reach 4-8 ft & lbs.
Do Now: May 9 th 1.Describe what happens at a stationary front. 2.Compare & contrast cirrus & cumulus clouds. 3.You have plans to go surfing. Would you prefer a low pressure system or high pressure system? Explain why.
Do Now: May 9 th 1.Describe a stationary front. a stalled front – not moving 2.Compare/contrast cirrus & cumulus. –Cirrus: wispy, hair-like –Cumulus: fluffy, puffy, cotton –Both: fair weather clouds 3.You go surfing. Would you prefer a low or high pressure system? Explain why. –High pressure system – pretty day –Low pressure system – winds = big waves
YouTube Friday xf_ACYIhttp:// xf_ACYI oaXiwhttp:// oaXiw 8Zecwhttp:// 8Zecw
Station Models Summary diagram of weather a weather station
Station Models
Decoding Coded Pressure 196 Insert decimal point to left of last digit 19.6 Put a “9” and a “10” in front of result Test results against range of normal atmospheric pressures is below range of normal pressures….REJECTED! is w/in range of normal pressures….ACCEPTED! Coded pressure 196= mb Decode these coded pressures:
Encoding the Pressure Remove decimal point Report last 3 digits 135 Pressure = 135 encoded pressure Encode these pressures:
The Barometric Trend + 19 / + means “Higher now than it was 3 hrs ago” (- means “Lower now than it was 3 hrs ago” ) 19 means pressure has changed by 1.9 mb / means pressure is currently rising ( \ means pressure is currently falling ) What was the pressure 3 hours ago? = =
NE at 25 Knots E at 5 Knots SE at 10 Knots
Temperature= 45F Dewpoint= 32F Wind NE at 20 knots Overcast Visibility= 1.5 miles Rain Showers Pressure Now= mb Pressure 3 hrs. ago= mb Barometer Falling Precipitation in last 6 hrs.=.53 in. Draw a Station Model for These Conditions:
Temperature= 45F Dewpoint= 32F Wind NE at 20 knots Overcast Visibility= 1.5 miles Rain Showers Pressure Now= mb Pressure 3 hrs. ago= mb Barometer Falling Precipitation in last 6 hrs.=.53 in. Draw a Station Model for These Conditions:
Synoptic Weather Map
Example Temperature: 50°F Present Conditions: Snow Barometric Pressure: Visibility: 2 miles Cloud cover: 50% Barometric Pressure Change: -1.5 Wind Direction: from the northeast Wind Speed: 5 knots Dew Point Temperature: 38°F
Example Temperature: 50°F Present Conditions: Snow Barometric Pressure: Visibility: 2 miles Cloud cover: 50% Barometric Pressure Change: -1.5 Wind Direction: from the northeast Wind Speed: 5 knots Dew Point Temperature: 38°F