Station Models : Symbols used to represent weather conditions in a select location.
Basic shape is a circle with a tail Around the circle is abbreviations for the present weather conditions.
The circle represents cloud coverage. The shaded portion is the percentage of cloud coverage. 100%0%25% 50%75%
The tail represents wind direction. ** Remember – Winds are labeled from where they come from ** South East South East
The tail sometimes has “barbs” or “flags” to represent wind speed. 15 Knots
Starting on the TOP right 196 AIR PRESSURE – represents the last three digits of the observed pressure reading in millibars (mb). If reported value greater than 500: Initial 9 is missing. Place it on left, then add a decimal point before the last digit. If reported value less than 500: Initial 10 is missing. Place it on left, then add a decimal point before the last digit
Starting on the MIDDLE right +19/ PRESSURE TREND – represents what has happened to the pressure over the last 3 hours + means there was a rise - means there was a decrease Measurements are in mb and a decimal needs to be placed before the last digit +19/ increase of 1.9 mb in the last 3 hours
Starting on the BOTTOM right.25 PRECIPITATION – represents how many inches have fallen in the last 6 hours
Starting on the TOP left 28 Temperature – represents the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit
Starting on the MIDDLE left ½ * Present Weather – represents the present weather Visibility – represents how far you can see in miles
Starting on the BOTTOM left 27 Dewpoint – represents the dewpoint temperature in degrees Fahrenheit
What information is provided on a Station Model?