Essex Dependent Interviewing Workshop 17/09/2004 The effect of dependent interviewing on measures of change in employment characteristics Emanuela Sala, Peter Lynn, Annette Jäckle and Stephen P. Jenkins
Essex Dependent Interviewing Workshop 17/09/2004 Outline Aims How to assess the change in employment characteristics Results Final remarks: what we have learnt so far and what to do next
Essex Dependent Interviewing Workshop 17/09/2004 Aims To analyse the effect of dependent interviewing on measures of change in employment characteristics 1.Does the level of change in employment characteristics assessed by the dependent and independent interviewing differ? 2.If it differs, in what direction?
Essex Dependent Interviewing Workshop 17/09/2004 How to assess the change in employment characteristics? Create measures of changes in employment characteristics for the three treatment groups by comparing data of wave 8 to the ISMIE data (wave 9) OccupationOrganisation - Managerial duties -Employee or self-employed - Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) - Standard Industrial Classification 1980 (SIC) - Type of organisation - Number of employees
Essex Dependent Interviewing Workshop 17/09/2004 The effect of dependent interviewing on measures of change: OCCUPATION Managerial duties % changeINDIRDIPDI Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) SOC *** SOC *** SOC ** Employee or self-employed
Essex Dependent Interviewing Workshop 17/09/2004 The effect of dependent interviewing on measures of change: ORGANISATION Number of employees ** % changeINDIRDIPDI Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) SIC4/3 SIC2 SIC1 Type of employing organisation
Essex Dependent Interviewing Workshop 17/09/2004 Final remarks: what we have learnt so far…. Assessment of change in employment characteristics varies according to the way one measures the change (independent versus dependent interviewing). In particular, strong evidence that the observed level of change with independent interviewing is higher than with proactive dependent interviewing. Overall, there appear to be a “ranking” in the level of change observed in the three treatment groups: highest level of change with independent interviewing, followed by RDI. Lowest level of change with PDI.
Essex Dependent Interviewing Workshop 17/09/2004 and what to do next Work in progress, therefore… –For the “reactive” treatment group, look at the reasons for the different answers (open questions) –Compare our results with the ones of previous studies –Use employer survey validation data to state “real changes”
Essex Dependent Interviewing Workshop 17/09/2004 Dependent interviewing questions: an example Independent interview “ Are you an employee or self-employed?” Go to the next question
Essex Dependent Interviewing Workshop 17/09/2004 Proactive dependent interviewing “Are you an employee or a self-employed?” “ Last time you said that you were. Are you still ?” YesNo Go to the next question Ask the Independent Q.
Essex Dependent Interviewing Workshop 17/09/2004 Reactive dependent interviewing SameDifferent “So, since last time we interviewed you, on, you have changed from being … to …: is that correct?” I. Q. “Are you an employee or self-employed? (The software checks if the answer is the same as the one provided the previous wave) Yes why? No Go to the next question