Slide 1 of 9 Dilemmas, dilemmas Grange-Enders Episode 2 Next
Slide 2 of 9 Starter Paired work-Discussion 5 mins - What is peer pressure? NextBack
Slide 3 of 9 Shared Reading Episode 2 Part 1 - Eddie’s embarrassment Part 2 – Rosie’s Risk NextBack
Slide 4 of 9 Paired task In pairs discuss the following questions: –Would it be possible for Eddie to have not laughed and still made friends? –Who do you admire more – Rosie or Eddie? Why? –How do their actions affect pupils’ feelings of safety in the tutor group? –What are the rights and responsibilities of the characters in this situation?
Slide 5 of 9 Tricky Moments Vote as a class on what you think Eddie will do. In pairs, take the role of the ‘angel’ or ‘devil’ on Eddie’s shoulder, and advise him on what to do, justifying your ideas. NextBack Good ChoiceBad Choice
Slide 6 of 9 Shared Reading Episode 2 Part 3 - Dionne’s dilemma NextBack
Slide 7 of 9 Peer Pressure Make a list of when peer pressure is ‘helpful’ or ‘not helpful’. NextBack HelpfulNot Helpful
Slide 8 of 9 Role Play Choose one of the situations you have listed and make up a role play to show how you might stand up to a group when faced with negative peer pressure.
Slide 9 of 9 Plenary Discuss with your group Have you ever been in a situation where you did something to go along with others? How did you feel about yourself? Ask your partner/group to talk about what you could have done differently. NextBack