Sameen Ahmed Block B
Carbohydrates Two types: Simple & Complex Break down to simple sugars for energy Simple: –White sugar, lollipops, fruits, and milk Complex: –Bread, pasta, rice, crackers
Fats 3 types: Saturated, polyunsaturated, monounsaturated 1 gram=9 Calories Cushions body Keeps us warm Found in nuts, oil, butter, beef, cheese
Protein Builds up, replaces, maintains, tissue in body Made of amino acids Found in beef, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, nuts, seeds
Fibre Type of carbohydrate body can’t digest Reduces risk of diseases, such as diabetes Fills you up Found in whole-grain breads and cereals fruits like apples, oranges, bananas, berries, prunes
Vitamins Body needs them to develop properly Two types: fat soluble & water soluble D helps your bones; milk A helps you see; carrots C helps you heal; oranges B helps your body make energy; green veggies
Minerals Calcium (milk) Iron (spinach) Magnesium (cocoa) Phosphorus (fish) Potassium (bananas) Selenium (brazil nuts) Sodium (salt) Zinc (pumpkin seeds) Part of bones and teeth Regulate body fluids Parts of enzymes and hormones
Water 2 parts hydrogen, one part oxygen Makes 2/3 of the human body weight Regulates metabolism Regulates body temperature Forms base for saliva Forms fluid around the joints
Bibliography tyle/diet/nutrition3.htmlhttp:// tyle/diet/nutrition3.html eat/fiber/ eat/fiber/ guide.htmlhttp:// guide.html health.htmhttp:// health.htm