Growing Up Fit Together for 3 rd grade
Lesson 6 Five N Jive Card The new exercise for Lesson 6 is called the “Side Lunge and Jump”. Lunge to your left. Now come back to the middle and jump. Lunge to your right. Now come back to the middle and jump. I want you to repeat this routine 8 times.
Snacks What snack do you think is healthier for you, an apple or a candy bar? That’s right an apple is better for you. It is important to look at what is in the snacks you eat. Some snacks may look healthy but may have lots of sugar which is not good for your body.
Snacks You should try to eat snacks from the 5 major food groups on the food guide pyramid. The 5 major groups are: Grains, vegetables, fruits, milk, and meat & beans. Can you name me some healthy snacks? You should limit snacks from the yellow group to just one a day.
Food Label Remember last year when you learned how to read the food label. The food label is an important thing to look at when you want to see how much sugar is in that food. Sugar is usually measured in grams so I will teach you an easier way to measure sugars in food.
Sugars on the Food Label This number shows the amount of sugar in a serving size. An easy way to measure sugars is to convert it into teaspoons.
Sugars on the Food Label What if a can of coke was one serving and it said that there were 40 grams of sugar in it. How many teaspoons of sugar would that equal? That’s right about 9 or 10 teaspoons of sugar in that one can.
Sugars on the Food Label On most energy drink cans it states that the drink is not intended for children, anyone with diabetes, people sensitive to caffeine, and also pregnant women. This means that this drink is definitely not good for your body and will only give you energy for a little while and make you feel really bad afterwards.
What to Drink? Water is the most important drink for your body. Water does not contain any sugar and rehydrates your body when you sweat. Did you know that over 50% of your body is made up of water. When you sweat, you lose some of that water and it is important to replenish it.
Classroom Experiment You can take several food and drink items and measure the amounts of sugar in each item. Group the items into pairs of two and see which of the two is better for you regarding the amounts of sugar. Some of these results may be very surprising.
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