Orange Lake Habitat Management Plan Stakeholder Input Process Public Meeting #2 October 13, 2015
Welcome and Introductions
Public Meeting Interagency Working Group Identify Themes Public Input Identify Issues Basin Management Action Plan (BMAP) Process Community Working Groups Appropriate agency will lead/facilitate. Work on issues within a theme: Develop management plans. Gather data and information. Report on feasibility and costs of projects. Stakeholder involvement. Provide updates through BMAP process Interagency Working Group Project Development
Orange Creek Basin Community Working Groups Orange Lake Habitat Management – Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Highway 301 Issue – OCB Interagency Working Group Herbicide Workshop (March 2015) - Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Hydrology/Geology Workshop - OCB Interagency Working Group Airboat Curfew Letter – Alachua County Nutrient/BMAP Question – Department of Environmental Protection
Orange Lake Habitat Management Plan Community Working Group FWC is the lead agency Stakeholders will be involved from the beginning and throughout the process Process will be facilitated by Normandeau Associates Process began in February 2015 and is anticipated to be complete in mid-2016
Normandeau Team Christine Denny Fay Baird Karen Hill Adam Kent Ondine Wells
Ground Rules Please: Allow others to express their opinions, even if they are different from your own. Respect time limits. Listen, and allow others the opportunity to speak when it is their turn. Silence cell phones when in the meeting room. Remember that everyone is here because they care about Orange Lake.
Promise to Stakeholders The Normandeau project team promises to provide opportunities for stakeholders to offer input into development of the FWC Orange Lake HMP. We promise to consider all stakeholder input and recommendations for lake management goals, objectives, and action strategies. We promise to address and balance, where feasible, the needs of stakeholder groups along with FWC habitat management guidelines for the lake. FWC is committed to an HMP that consists of stakeholder supported management actions that are within FWC’s jurisdiction. FWC will make the final decisions on content of the plan.
FWC HABITAT MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES FOR THE AQUATIC RESOURCES OF THE ORANGE CREEK BASIN (Guidelines) STAKEHOLDER INPUT HABITAT MANAGEMENT PLAN (HMP) Meeting 1 Collecting input on lake issues Held July 14, 2015 Meeting 2 Goals and Objectives Today Meeting 3 Action Strategies December 8, 2015 Meeting 4 Review and Comment on HMP March 2016
What is the focus of this HMP? The HMP focus is on habitat management, which includes management for access. The HMP will not contain management recommendations or actions that are outside of FWC’s purview. FWC is responsible for managing fish, wildlife, and their habitats for their long-term well being and the benefit of people.
Writing the Plan Draft 1. Outline: Completed July 2015 Draft 2. Sections 1–3 (Introduction, Background, Vision and Guiding Principles): Submitted for FWC review September 2015 Draft 2 will be available online at
Writing the Plan Draft 3. Goals and Objectives Draft 4. Action Strategies Public Meeting 3 (Action Strategies) will be held in December 2015
Plan Writing Challenges Be consistent with the use of terminology Example: What do we mean by tussock?
Tussock Formation Some tussocks are formed by mat forming vegetation such as frog’s bit, water hyacinth, and water lettuce Others form when deep organic sediments are dried out during low water events, and then float when water returns
Vegetative Tussock Formed by mat forming vegetation Very little to no associated sediment Made up of frogs bit, water hyacinth, water lettuce, and/or other species Can form a substrate for other, heavier vegetation to grow
Mud Tussock Formed when deep organic sediments are dried out during low water events that then float when water returns Composed of pickerel weed, cattail, smartweed, other native species up to small shrubs Varying amounts of associated sediment up to 3 feet or more
Floating Tree Island Formed when deep organic sediments are dried out during low water events that then float when water returns Composed of woody vegetation, such as willow, maple, and other trees Deep associated sediment 3-7 feet thick
Questions about tussocks?
Tonight we are asking for your input on Goals and Objectives for the Orange Lake Habitat Management Plan.
Forming Goals and Objectives We created goals and draft objectives based on stakeholder input gathered at Public Meeting #1 (July 2015). Tonight, you may review and add objectives Later, Normandeau and FWC will refine the objectives and add new ones
What is a goal? A broad statement that says what will be achieved. WHAT DOES SUCCESS LOOK LIKE? The goal shows the desired future condition. GOAL What does success look like?
Overarching Goal for HMP FWC’s fundamental goal for the Plan is to allow implementation of the most effective management of fish and wildlife habitats within Orange Lake and to include stakeholder input in the creation of the Plan.
What is an objective? Focus for Next Part of This Meeting An objective states WHAT IT WILL TAKE to achieve a goal. Objectives are specific, measurable, and achievable. GOAL What does success look like? OBJECTIVE What will it take?
What is an action strategy? Focus for Public Meeting 3 An action strategy says HOW YOU WILL get the objective accomplished. GOAL What does success look like? OBJECTIVE What will it take? ACTION STRATEGY How will you do it? #2 #1 #3
Public Input Tonight Review draft stakeholder objectives at these Goal Stations: Manage Invasive Species Manage Hydrilla Improve Focal Wildlife Habitat Optimize Lake Access and Navigation Manage Floating Marsh/Tussocks Address Encroachment of Woody Vegetation including Willow Other Goals
Public Input Tonight Review means: Refine draft stakeholder objectives Suggest new objectives Emphasize the objectives you like (not a vote)
Public Input on Objectives An objective states WHAT IT WILL TAKE to achieve a goal. Objectives are specific, measurable, and achievable. GOAL What does success look like? OBJECTIVE What will it take?
Thank You For Attending Next Public Meeting: December 8, 2015 (location will be announced) For drafts and other information: