ROOTS!! The place where the journey begins
There are 4 jobs that roots do: 1.Anchor – The tree failed before the roots. – Why do most trees fall when it rains?
There are 4 jobs that roots do: Absorb – The main thing they absorb is water
Root structures Root hairs – How do you think these help with absorption?
There are 4 jobs that roots do: Transport – What needs to be transported?
Root structures Central / Vascular cylinder – xylem, phloem and cambium What is the job of xylem? Phloem? Cambium makes more xylem and phloem
There are 4 jobs that roots do: Store
Root structures Cortex – main site of storage
Turnips Look in this reading for the sad story of turnips. turnips
Jack o Lanterns Check out this link on the history of jack o lanterns jack o lanterns
Carrots and…. Read the part under “the partridge family Susan Dey Read about cartotenemia carotenemia
Cassava Read the following about the good and bad of cassava cassava
Meristem Growth regions of the plant – Found at the ends of the root and the stem – What cellular process do you think happens here?
Two types of root systems: Fibrous
Two types of root systems: Tap
4 Zones of roots
4 Growth regions of the plant Root cap – Protects and produces a slime
4 Growth regions of the plant Zone of cell division / meristematic growth
4 Growth regions of the plant Zone of elongation – Cells grow but they are unspecialized
4 Growth regions of the plant Zone of maturation / absorption – specialization occurs
Root structures Epidermis – outer covering
Specialized roots – Food storage
Specialized roots Water storage Remember this plant?
Specialized roots Propagative – roots that produce clones by spreading out and then send up new shoots Most cherry orchards are produced this way
Specialized roots Pneumatophores Read pneumatophores :pneumatophores
Specialized roots - Aquatic Water Hyacinth
Specialized roots Aerial Roots Read the following Aerial rootAerial root
Specialized roots Contractile roots
Specialized roots Buttress roots roots
Specialized roots Prop roots
Specialized roots Parasitic roots
Specialized roots Climbing roots
Nitrogen fixation Go to the bottom of this page to read about and understand nitrogen fixation nitrogen fixation