Aquatic Hyperspectral Data Needs and desires. Resolution Need fine scale resolution to get data from small delta channels Channels range in size, with.


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Presentation transcript:

Aquatic Hyperspectral Data Needs and desires

Resolution Need fine scale resolution to get data from small delta channels Channels range in size, with many less than 20m. Certain imagery would require meter/sub-meter resolution to be useful (eg. SAV, FAV).

Turbidity May have impacts on Smelt/Salmonid Survival Increases Delta Smelt foraging success Delta Smelt utilize turbid areas more frequently Probability of catching Delta Smelt in FMWT

Salinity (EC) Cue utilized for salmonid smolt migration X2 zone is highly utilized by Delta Smelt and may prove to be important for smelt recovery. Probability of catching Delta Smelt in FMWT

Submerged Aquatic Vegetation May contribute to non-native predatory fish species composition and success May be utilized by migrating salmonid smolts for cover/forage.

Floating Aquatic Vegetation Blocks sun from penetrating water column, potentially influencing primary productivity Hyacinth has been shown to reduce O 2 levels in the water. Water loss through transpiration. Provides ambush sites for non-native predatory fish

Temperature Higher temperatures (>16.5 °C) lead to – Higher risk for disease – Lower rates of feeding/increased metabolic demand – Reduced food availability – Increased exposure to warm-water tolerant predatory fish – Temperature induced mortality (>20-22 °C) Large variation in temperature favors native fish assemblages

Water elevation Could prove useful for determining inundation of available floodplains.

Riparian Vegetation Contributes to lower water temperatures Increases invertebrate food production

Survey Timing Key Migration Periods – Winter for Delta Smelt, Winter-Run Chinook Salmon, and Steelhead Spawning Migration – Spring for Smolt Outmigration, Striped Bass and Spring-Run Chinook Spawning Migration – Summer for Green Sturgeon Spawning Migration – Fall for Fall-Run and Late Fall-Run Chinook Salmon Spawning Migration