Creating Business Units for Drones October 2015
Proprietary & Confidential 2015-2016 Outline Market Analysis Choosing a niche Minimum Viable Product Competitive Analysis Hearts & Minds Marketing Plan Sales Projections Process Proprietary & Confidential 2015-2016
Proprietary & Confidential 2015-2016 Market Analysis Choose Market Local International Global Target Market Available Total Addressable Online Surveys Research Reports Local Sales Data Customer Survey Force Analyse Market size is an indicator of potential sales Success depends on strategy and execution Proprietary & Confidential 2015-2016
Proprietary & Confidential 2015-2016 Choosing a Niche Agricultural Applications Surveillance Applications Oil-pipeline Monitoring A Brand New Idea !? Consider Are any of your existing customers interested? Does your company have in-house expertise on drones? Are there any potential pilot customers? What are the immediately accessible niches for you? Local, International or Global? Your Niche Most important decision for business unit Change of direction / Pivot is cumbersome, but possible Proprietary & Confidential 2015-2016
Product / Service Feature Set Create a full feature set for the Product / Service Are there any innovative features? Any improvements on competition? What are the most useful features for users? CHECK the idea out Is the Product Manufacturable? Can your service be offered? GO ? ? ? X NO GO Any APPROVALS needed? MVP = A product with basic feature set Minimum Viable Product = MVP Test market reaction Improve feature set Test manufacturability Create Product Proprietary & Confidential 2015-2016
Proprietary & Confidential 2015-2016 Competitive Analysis I am UNIQUE Analyse Features Group features into sections Highlight most sought after features Mark Unique Selling Points (USP) of your product/service MARKETING Competitive Analysis Is a great tool for brainstorming May find further gaps in current offerings Will highlight most important features Is a great asset for marketing Market Gap Proprietary & Confidential 2015-2016
Proprietary & Confidential 2015-2016 Hearts & Minds Recruit only positive people Involve all hands in decisions Win hearts & minds Get everyone believe in Drones Proprietary & Confidential 2015-2016
Proprietary & Confidential 2015-2016 Marketing Plan TARGET B2B B2C BUDGET Campaigns Promotions Digital Marketing SWOT Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats MARKETING PLAN SIZE Addressable Available Target USP What is our USP? Align USP with TARGET REFINE Measure Review Refine Proprietary & Confidential 2015-2016
Proprietary & Confidential 2015-2016 Sales Projections Projections by Sales Team Sales Projections Marketing Proprietary & Confidential 2015-2016
Proprietary & Confidential 2015-2016 Process Seed Select Talent Structure Establish Train Marketing plan Sales Projections Business Plan Operate Execute plans Proprietary & Confidential 2015-2016
Creating Value DroneResearch can help you Business Finding a niche Training on Foundation Technologies Talent Selection & Recruitment Introduction to selected Suppliers Introductions to Centres of excellence Seed Unit Business Patent Strategy DroneResearch can help you Finding a niche Analyzing the Market Building a successful Drone Business Unit Proprietary & Confidential 2015-2016
Proprietary & Confidential 2015-2016 To receive latest news on civilian drones Join or Newsletter ! We promise not to send you emails more than twice a month Proprietary & Confidential 2015-2016