Business Planning
A UTHORITY The only Federal agency tasked with creating new jobs by expanding the U.S. economy though the Nation’s minority-owned businesses 2 V ISION Economic prosperity for all American business enterprises M ISSION To foster the growth and global competitiveness of U.S. minority- owned businesses
Integrated Network of MBDA Business Centers
Contracts and Capital— 4.8B in FY 2013 (Dollars in Billions)
MBDA Jobs Creation – 25,704 in FY 2013
Why write a business plan?
Traditional Business Plan Sections Business description Market/industry analysis Product/Service Organization/Management Marketing and sales Financial projections
Business Model Canvas Key partners Key activities Key resources Cost structure Value proposition Customer relationships Sales channels Customer segments Revenue streams
Ongoing Business Planning Emphasis on: – Input from team – Past performance – SWOT – Short range goals: 365/30 – Highly specific goals