Work Out Your Own Salvation In Fear and Trembling Philippians 2:12
The Need for Fear and Trembling Salvation is greatly desired, but… Many do not know WHY the need salvation Many do not know what to do to be saved Many do not know how to live as those who have been saved Nevertheless, Phil. 2:12 Workout our own salvation With fear and trembling
The Need for Fear and Trembling Ps. 111:10: “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” Prov. 1:7: “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.” Why? God is Almighty God is our Creator God will judge the world because of sin
The Need for Fear and Trembling Heb. 12:28-29: God is a consuming fire. He has a kingdom Those who are not in the kingdom will be judged. Therefore: “serve God acceptably with reverence and Godly fear” But many do not fear God nor do they respect Him. They want love, but not righteousness. They want peace, but not truth. They want salvation, but not obedience They do not respect God, His word, nor the judgment to come. 2 Thessalonians 1:8
The Need for Fear and Trembling Do you fear the Lord? Do you approach His word with reverence and respect Him for who He is? Do you conduct yourself in such a way that shows reverence for God’s righteousness?
We Must First Be Saved Hear the truth: Mark 16:15-16 Believe in the gospel: Acts 8:12 Repent of our Sins: Acts 3:19 Determination and commitment of heart to turn away from our sins and turn to the living God. Failure to work out salvation often comes from failure to repent. Confess Jesus as Lord and Christ: Rom. 10:10 We must be baptized, wash away sins (Acts 22:16) become disciples of Christ (Matt. 28:19). Continue in faithfulness.
What If Fallen Away? Phil. 2:12; Heb. 12:28-29 written to those who have been saved. It is possible for one to lose their salvation. Heb. 10:26ff; Rom. 8:13 New Christians not devoted to serving the Lord Christians who become lazy, not actively serving with God’s people. Refusal to cast off sins. Simply stop serving the Lord, no longer live as members of the church
What If Fallen Away? If we truly fear the Lord, then we will repent! Repentance is a change of heart (Ezek. 18:30- 32). Change of heart is manifest through actions 2 Cor. 7:10-11: Diligence Clearing of self, etc. Are you a Christian who has fallen away? Will you not fear the Lord and work out your salvation? James 4:7-10
Even Faithful Need Fear Phil. 2:12: Written to Christians not in sin. Vs. 12: Continue to diligently work for the Lord. Vs. 13: As they learn God’s will, God is working in them. Therefore, they must have a healthy respect for Him and His law (Eph. 5:17). Vs. 14: When we fear the Lord we will not be complaining or disputing, but in all things seek the unity of God’s word
Even Faithful Need Fear 1 Cor. 10:12: Learn not to be overconfident Not underestimate the power of sin and temptation. Walk humbly before God, acknowledge own weaknesses. Remember dependence on Christ for salvation. Not confident in own wisdom, but meekly submit to God’s instructions for all things (James 1:19- 21).
Conclusion Do you fear the Lord? If you do, will you obey the gospel? If you have been living in sin, will you repent and begin serving the Lord with fear and trembling?