Is African Population Aging? Global Perspective in Population Aging アフリカの人口は高齢化しているか? 発展途上国を含めた 世界的な人口高齢化の状況と今後の課題 Reiko Hayashi 林玲子 Linz ㈱リンツ
World Population 1998/ Population (1000) 5,901,054 8,909,095
1.More developed regions comprise all regions of Europe and Northern America, Australia/New Zealand and Japan. 2.Medially developed regions comprise all regions of Africa, Asia (excluding Japan) and Latin America and the Caribbean and the regions of Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia excluding least developed countries. 3.Least developed countries are defined by the United Nations General Assembly as of 1994, include 48 countries of which 33 are in Africa, 9 are in Asia, 1 is in Latin America and 5 are in Oceania. Population aged 60 years or older (thousands) Rapid growth of older people in developing countries
Population Pyramid More developed regionsLess developed regions Source :
Population Aged 60 and over in each region
Big Aged Countries in 2050
Trend of Median Age
Rapid Process of Ageing
The Aged Working More
Replacement Population? 10 mostly decreasing population
Registered Foreigners in Japan 6,214 13,540 44,941 57,411 52,765 67,571 29,409
Japanese Opinion towards Internationalisation
Double Burden of Diseases Social Security Architectural and city planning solution Employment * * *