American Art: Jacob Dasher Art 2001 Fall 2006
American Art: Ashcan School American Scene Social Realism
Ashcan School Subject: “Raw Scenes” of Everyday Life Considered by Many to “Only be Fit For the Ash Can” Movement Away From “Stuffy Art”
Ashcan School Artists John Sloan ( ) George Bellows ( )
John Sloan “South Beach Bathers”
George Bellows “Stag at Sharkey’s”
American Scene Subject: Everyday People Romanticized Raised Spirits During the Depression
American Scene Artists Thomas Hart Benton ( ) Grant Wood ( )
Thomas Hart Benton “Steel”
Thomas Hart Benton “She’s Off”
Grant Wood “American Gothic”
Social Realism Subject: Highlighting Injustices and Motivating Reform Attacked the “Evils of Capitalism” Exaggerated Features, Color, & Scale for Emotional Impact
Social Realism Artists Diego Rivera Edward Hopper ( ) Romare Bearden ( )
Diego Rivera “Detroit Industry”
Diego Rivera “The Flower Carrier”
Edward Hopper “Nighthawks”
Edward Hopper “Hotel Lobby”
Edward Hopper “Western Motel”
Romare Bearden “The Woodshed”