Proper hand washing Pediculosis capitis Dental caries Smoking Stress management
Date/time/location: Oct. 8, 2010 ; 10-12am; Kaularan HS library Objectives To teach the students about proper hand washing To teach the students about Pediculosis capitis Mode of transmission Treatment prevention To teach the students about dental caries Prevention treatment
Strategies Lecture series: Powerpoint presentation Demonstration Hygiene kit Evaluation Return Demonstration Open Forum/ Q and A portion Persons responsible: group4 HS group Participants: P.R.O of each section from all levels of AM class
Date/time/location: Oct. 14, 2010 ; 10-12am; Kaularan HS library Objectives That the students gain knowledge on the ill effects of smoking For them to learn about smoking, its hazards and health risks For them to understand the economic burden of smoking For them to be aware the social implications of smoking
Strategy Lecture series: Powerpoint presentation Evaluation Open Forum/ Q and A portion Persons responsible: group4 HS group Participants: P.R.O of each section from all levels of AM class
Date/time/location: Oct. 14, 2010 ; 10-12am; Kaularan HS library Objectives For the students to understand stress and how they may be handled For them to learn the different types and common sources of stress For them to remember simple ways in handling stress
Strategy Lecture series: Powerpoint presentation Sharing Evaluation Open Forum/ Q and A portion Persons responsible: group4 HS group Participants: P.R.O of each section from all levels of AM class
Incomplete medical data regarding Past Medical History, Family History and Environmental History Unavailability of a private facility wherein proper history and physical examination can be conducted No authorized person other than the prinicipal wherein the students can coordinate with especially if the principal is not available
A ‘Supplementary Questionnaire’ was already submitted for approval. Letter to the principal concerning the clinic was given and we are still waiting for their response.
12 October 2010 Dr. Zenaida Singson Principa,l Kaunlaran High School Navotas City Dear Madame: Greetings of peace! In line with the Community school health program of the University of Santo Tomas Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, we would like to ask your permission to allow us to make full use of the school clinic in Kaunlaran High School. The said clinic will be used as the venue for complete physical examination and evaluation of students. This will provide a better and more efficient assessment of the student ’ s health status. Thank you for your consideration and we are hoping for a positive response towards our health partnership. Respectfully, ____________________________ Krista Anne Esmael Leader Members ____________________________ Noel Erestain Kristy Elleza Evangelista ____________________________ Clarisse Marie Eugenio Rosabelle Facton ____________________________ Emman Carlo Evangelista Revie Anne Fajardo ____________________________ Mark David Fang Maria Grethel Dimalala Noted by: ___________________________________ Dr. Bautista Head, Department of Preventive Medicine
Revise some parts of the PE and History form Follow-up with the principal the approval or disproval for the use of the school clinic during History-taking and Physical Examination. Information disseminations regarding the existence of the high school clinic Possibility of communicating with PE teachers or MAPEH teachers For easier tracking of students who attended the lectures Better coordination of lectures continued promotion of health program Start the baseline history-taking and physical examination among 4 th year Kaunlaran HS students
Possibility of hiring a registered nurse Conduct training and lectures for the clinic teachers Evaluate feasibility of a future dental mission in Kaunlaran HS