Round this number to the nearest ten thousand 264,987
Round this number to the nearest thousand 638,935
Round this number to the nearest hundred thousand 763,987
Round this number to the nearest hundred 74,937
Write the largest number possible using these numbers
Write the smallest number possible number using the following numbers
What is the value of the underlined digit? 749,627
What is the value of the underlined digit? 824,938
What is the value of the underlined digit? 1,273,849
What is the place value of underlined digit? 749,627
What digit is in the hundreds place? 749,627
What digit is in the ten thousands place? 739,826
Circle the number that is the least. 43,87543,75743,763
Circle the number that is the greatest. 765,987765,897765,978
Circle the number that is the least. 43,87543,75743,763
Write these numbers in order from least to greatest. 43,87543,75743,763
Write the number in expanded notation. 74,937
Write this number in expanded notation. 498,036
Rewrite in standard form. 300, ,
Put in order from least to greatest
Put numbers in order from the most expesive to the least expensive. $7.35 $5.98 $0.98 $5.89
Who won the race? SwimmerTime Jill2.98 Chase1.95 Chris3.87 Emily1.03
When looking at times in a race the person with the longest time is the loser and the person with the shortest time is the winner.
Who lost the race? SwimmerTime Jill2.98 Chase1.95 Chris3.87 Emily1.03
Round to the nearest ten 45,932
Round to the nearest hundred 45,932
Round to the nearest thousand 45,932
Round to the nearest ten thousand 45,932
Round to the nearest hundred thousand 45,932