Positive Behavioral Strategies and Supports for Individuals with TBI Presented by Mitzi Curtis Co-created with Laura Moore Presented by Mitzi Curtis Co-created with Laura Moore 03/29/2012
Ross Greene, The Explosive Child RPeople Do Well If They Can RPeople do the best job they can with the skills they have RExplosive Behavior = Incompatibility of skills and environmental demands RPeople Do Well If They Can RPeople do the best job they can with the skills they have RExplosive Behavior = Incompatibility of skills and environmental demands Perceptions
What Is “Behavior” Behavior is Communication When behavior interferes with an individual’s ability to succeed in school, work, home and society - that is a communication issue. We communicate to get our needs met in the most efficient way we can.
Communication is The act of exchanging information
Behavior as Communication Combine slow processing speed, anxiety and stress impeding access to vocabulary, significant language disabilities… Behavior becomes the most efficient way of getting needs met
Communicative Intent The message behind the words Responding to Communicative Intent Teach Help Support Responding to the Words Lecture Judge Argue
Reframing Managing Your Stress by Controlling Your Thoughts Upsetting Thoughts become Calming Thoughts Managing Your Stress by Controlling Your Thoughts Upsetting Thoughts become Calming Thoughts
Reframing Managing Your Stress Controlling Your Thoughts Upsetting Thought Calming Thought She is testing to see where the limits are. My job is to stay calm and help her learn better ways to communicate. Why does she always have to argue!
Reframing Managing Your Stress Controlling Your Thoughts Upsetting Thought Calming Thought He has a difficult time warming up to people and feeling safe with them. He feels safe with his mom. He is so clingy with his mom. He doesn’t let anyone else get close to her.
Reframing Managing Your Stress Controlling Your Thoughts Upsetting Thought Calming Thought She may not understand my expectations. She may need visuals to help her understand Boundaries. I have to watch her like a hawk or she will run out of the play area.
Reframing Managing Your Stress Controlling Your Thoughts Upsetting Thought Calming Thought He may want to play with others and doesn’t know how to ask. He may need visuals to help him understand ownership and boundaries. He constantly gets into other people’s stuff and destroys their things.
Reframing Is not necessarily coming up with solutions to a problem. Reframing is restating a problem to make it more manageable. Is not necessarily coming up with solutions to a problem. Reframing is restating a problem to make it more manageable.
Now….Practical take Home Strategies 1.Basic Incredible 5 point scales 2.The Anxiety Curve Worksheet 3.Problem Solving Worksheets
Examples of Rating Scales for Everybody 1.Voice Volume 2.Energy Level 3. My Verbal Responses to Requests
Voice Volume Scale Screaming Loud Talk/Conversation Soft /Whisper No sound Okay Not Okay
My Energy Level Too Much Energy - Bonkers! A lot of Energy -Excited Average Energy - Awake Calm Energy- Peaceful No Energy - Drowsy WHEN, WHERE, with WHOM would these energy levels Be Okay and Not Okay?
My Verbal Responses to Requests 5 - hurtful 4 - negative 3 - neutral 2 - constructive 1 - positive From Who ’ s Perspective? How does tone of voice, volume and facial expression impact opinion?
Understanding My Feelings When the individual with TBI can be part of problem solving and self- awareness
Which Leads Us to: The Anxiety Curve Worksheet Helping All of Us Know What to Do
The Anxiety Curve Worksheet ‘ Being and teaching ’ occurs at 1 and 2. Redirection at 3. Protection, silence and nerves of steel at 4 and 5. Be the individual ’ s advocate / ally
Last but not Least Problem Solving Worksheets 1.What People Need to Know (form to make a visual/written plan) In Your Packet: 2. Problem Solving Worksheet