JOB INTERVIEWS Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics Dong Fang College Toriano Cook
Job Interview After submitting your job application or resume, the job interview may be your first contact with a potential employer. The questions that an employer may ask you might be about anything, but some are very common. It is important that you are able to answer each question with detail and show how confident you are as a worker.
Here are some common questions… What type of job would you like to have? What type of clothing do you wear for a job? What type of company would you like to work for? What type of hours do you like to work? What is a comfortable level of job stress? What kind of vacation time do you want? What benefits are you looking for? How much time are you willing to commute? Are you a team player? Are you willing to go on business trips?
Speaking Final Exam The speaking part of your final exam will be to answer 3 questions chosen randomly. You as a class will decide on 20 questions that I will use. In groups, make questions and decide on 20 questions total for your class. Your questions should be about getting or doing a job.
Speaking Final Exam (ACA) 1 Do you take work home with you?15. How long would you like to stay with this 2 How do you handle stress and pressure? company? 3 Are you a self motivator?16. How do you normally handle criticism? 4 How do you describe your work style?17. How would your friends describe you? 5 Which city do you want to work in?18. How much salary do you want? 6 What are your advantages and disadvantages? 19. What traits do you admire? 7 What is your favorite class in the university? 20. Do you prefer to work at day or at night? 8 How will you arrange your free time outside of your job? 9 Are you willing to work a little far from your home? 10 What can you offer this company? 11 How do you handle failure? 12 Do you like to work in a team or alone? 13 Aside from your major, what kind of field do you want to set foot in? 14 What is the most important quality for an employee?
Pop Quiz! What is the initial amount of time an employer takes to review an applicant’s resume? Answer: 15 – 20 seconds minimum 45 seconds maximum
Why do you need a resume? A good way to ‘market’ or ‘sell’ yourself. To get an interview, not a job! Requirement of many groups and organizations! (Like English class!)
Resume- hidden messages Clean Well-organized No errors Professional appearance Neat Well-organized Attention to detail Careful & Competent ResumeYou
Sections of a Resume
The Header What should be included? Name Permanent and present address address Telephone number Where should contact information go? Top of the page
Objective Statement Purpose To say what kind of position you are interested in and what you want from the job Examples Management trainee position with experience in sales. Accounting and financial management in the foreign trade industry. Long term relationship with room to grow. To obtain a position as a banking associate with a top bank with a strong international banking department.
Education Name of Institution Include city and province if not part of the title Name of your degree and major Bachelor of _________ in ___________ Bachelor of Science in Business Administration: Accounting List degrees in reverse chronological order Most recent school is listed first
Education Date or expected date of graduation Graduation Date: May 2014 Expected Graduation Date: May 2015 GPA Major or overall at least 3.0 Round down to the nearest tenth 3.0 not High School Information Do not use after university graduation!
Experience Use the term "experience" What is considered experience? Full and part-time jobs Self-employment Volunteer work, field, and cooperative education Practicum, field, and cooperative education Information to include Job Title Dates of employment Company name City & State
List Responsibilities at a Job Use bullet points Start of each line with an action verb Present tense if currently employed Past tense if no longer employed Tailor skills and experiences to the position for which you are applying Short information but with detail!
Honors & Awards Order by dates Reverse chronological (newest to oldest) Importance to job objective Winner of any professional contests, special recognition for any work you have done.
Professional Affiliations & Activities Order by date Reverse chronological Do not say Member of … Emphasize your leadership roles Spell out the organization’s name: Do not use abbreviations or acronyms
Resume Dos Use action verbs Use short, concise sentences Use #, %, $ amounts Keep resume easy to read Keep resume about one page Use positive words about yourself!
Resume Don’ts Do not use the pronouns such as I, me, my, etc. Do not clutter with useless information Do not lie! *Do not include personal information ID number, age, sex, height, weight, marital status, photograph, etc. * This is different in many Western countries. For an international resume, it is okay to include a photograph.