What’s the weather like?
Celcius Keep in mind that most of the Spanish-speaking world (indeed, nearly the entire world) uses temperatures in Celsius rather than the Fahrenheit you're used to if you live in the United States. To convert temperatures from Fahrenheit to Celsius, subtract 32 and multiply the result by (or five-ninths). To convert temperatures from Celsius to Fahrenheit, multiply the temperature by 1.8 and add 32. Mathematically, the formulas look like this: C = 5(F-32)/9 F = 9C/ If you try these formulas, you'll find that a body temperature of 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit is the same as 37 degrees Celsius, and vice versa. And the 200-degree oven in one of the examples above is the same as one that's set at a bit under 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Of course, mathematical precision isn't always necessary. Here's how I often think of temperatures in Celsius: -20 degrees C or below (-4 degrees F or below): frigid (muy frío) -20 to 0 degrees C (-4 to 32 degrees F): cold (frío) 0 to 10 degrees C (32 to 50 degrees F): cool (fresco) 10 to 20 degrees C (50 to 68 degrees F): mild (templado) 20 to 30 degrees C (68 to 86 degrees F): warm (caliente) 30 to 40 degrees C (86 to 104 degrees F): hot (muy caliente) 40 degrees C and above (104 degrees F and above): unbearably hot (insoportablemente caliente)