Alexandra Abigail Woodside
SS.4.G.1.3= Explain how weather impacts Florida. SS.4.G.1.1= Identify physical features of Florida SS.B = understands how the physical environment supports and constrains human activities Language Arts LA = The student will respond to, discuss, and reflect on various literary selections, connecting text to self (personal connection), text to world (social connection), text to text (comparison among multiple texts); LA = The student will identify an authors theme, and use details from the text to explain how the author developed that theme; Science SC.4.N.1.In.e: Recognize that scientists perform experiments, make observations, and gather evidence. SC.4.N.1.Su.e: Recognize ways that scientists collect evidence, such as by observations or measuring.
The teacher will then introduce the lesson for the day by doing a whole class read aloud with the book “ Storms and Hurricanes” by Kathy Gemmell. >Ask critical Thinking questions…. 2) In Groups they will discuss the theme of the book 3) ESOL accommodations: The teacher can pair her ESOL students with mainstream students to create mixed ability groups. 4) The teacher will introduce Hurricane Katrina to the class and explain the damage it did to Florida and Louisiana. 5) The students will look at pictures of the damage of Hurricane, They will watch videos of Hurricane Katrina and they will read an article about Hurricane Katrina. 6) The students will use their Hurricane Tracking Skills to Track Hurricane Katrina through Florida.
/05picayune.html< newspaper article link. /05picayune.html< Archeves.html Archeves.html Videos of Hurricane Katrina map of Florida
The students will make a collage of the things they need to put on their Hurricane preparedness list.