新目标 八年级 ( 上 ) Unit 1 How often do you do exercise Period One: Section B (1a—2c)


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原文 答案 Listen and circle(听录音,圈出你听到的单词或短语)
Presentation transcript:

新目标 八年级 ( 上 ) Unit 1

How often do you do exercise Period One: Section B (1a—2c)

I. New words junk food

milk coffee

chips cola

chocolate tomatoes

fruit vegetables vegetables

Find healthy: unhealthy: cola, salad, soup, hot dog, mushroom, broccoli, milk, hamburger, dumpling, potato chips, fried chicken, onion, junk food, milk, coffee, chips, cola, chocolate, fruit, vegetables

healthy: unhealthy: salad, soup, broccoli, milk, dumpling, onion, mushroom, milk, fruit, vegetables cola, hot dog, potato chips, fried chicken, hamburger, junk food, coffee, chocolate

--Are / Is … healthy? --Yes. / No, they’re / it’s unhealthy. --Why? --Because they’re / it’s good / bad for health. II. Speaking

Ⅲ.Free talk 1.Do you like fruit vegetables? Yes, I do. I love it/ them. It’s/They’re delicious. And it’s /they’re healthy food. It’s/They’re good for our health. No, I don’t. It’s awful. I can’t stand it. 2.How often do you eat fruit vegetables? ……

1.____ junk food 2. _____ milk 3. _____ fruit 4. ____vegetables 5._____sleep 6. _____coffee b a d e c Ⅳ.Match the words f

A: What drink do you usually have? B: Milk. A: How often do you drink milk? B: I drink milk everyday. A: Do you like it ? B: No. But my mother wants me to drink it. She says it’s good for my health. Ⅴ.Pair work:

Ⅵ.Listen and circle Is Bill healthy? Yes No I don’t know Is Katrina healthy?Yes No I don’t know

every day 9 two or three times a week 1. How often do you exercise? 2. How often do you eat vegetables? 3. How often do you eat fruit? 4. How many hours do you sleep every night? 5. How often do you drink milk? 6. How often do you eat junk food? 7. How often do you drink coffee? never every day Ⅶ.Listen again and fill in the blanks. Questions about Katrina

1. How often do you exercise? 2. How often do you eat vegetables? 3. How often do you eat fruit? 4. How many hours do you sleep every night? 5. How often do you drink milk? 6. How often do you eat junk food? 7. How often do you drink coffee? Questions about Bill 9 hardly ever sometimes never three or four times a week four times a day

Role play:Student A is the interviewer. Student B is Katrina.Student C is Bill. Ⅷ.Group work Interviewer : How often do you exercise? Katrina: I exercise every day? Interviewer: And how often do you...?

Lisa sleeps eight hours every night. She eats a good breakfast and she exercises every day. She never eats junk food. healthy/unhealthy Ⅸ.Read and underline “healthy” or“unhealthy”.

Pam likes to watch TV. On weekends, she never exercises and she doesn’t like fruits or vegetables. She eats junk food. And Pam never goes to the doctor. healthy/unhealthy

Paco is tall and thin. He plays tennis three times a week and he runs five miles every Saturday. He never watches TV.He eats fruits and vegetables every day and sleeps nine hours every night. healthy/unhealthy

Homework: 1.Finish the exercise in this period. 2.Write the report in the exercise book.

Thank you for listening!