1 Erica Teasley Linnick, Esq. Coordinator African American Redistricting Collaborative (AARC) 8101 South Vermont Ave, Los Angeles CA (323) aarc-ca.tumblr.com California Citizens Redistricting Commission Educational Session February 26,
2 outreach, public education and community trainings/workshops monitor/participate in Commission hearings and processes draft/analyze/comment on maps AARC is working to ensure that the African American community participates in California’s redistricting process to the fullest extent
3 Monitor the Commission’s processes for transparency and compliance with the VRA Work with community members to help them describe their communities of interest Help ensure that people of the African diaspora are able to elect candidates of choice Examine prison-based gerrymandering policy Form coalition with APALC, MALDEF, NALEO and others promoting the Voting Rights Act Testify, draft and comment on proposed maps AARC’s Redistricting Activities
4 VRA presentation at Empowerment Congress (Jan) Mailer to over 60 key African American civic, business and grassroots organizations (Feb) RedistrictingCA Conference (Jan, March?) Community workshops/educational forums in Los Angeles, Inland Empire, East Bay Area and Sacramento (March-April) Outreach To Date
5 Los Angeles, the East Bay Area, the Inland Empire and Sacramento Materials are provided in English AARC may be submitting maps concerning Los Angeles, the Bay Area, the Inland Empire and Sacramento regions. Will analyze and comment on CRC proposed maps. AARC’s Outreach Efforts
6 Hold community meetings to get feedback on possible AARC maps and CRC maps Continue to work with community members who wish to testify before the Commission regarding proposed plans Continued coalition work with partners like MALDEF and APALC and RedistrictingCA Work with ethnic press to raise consciousness within the community about CRC’s work/maps Provide information on aarc-ca.tumblr.com AARC’s Continued Outreach Plans (Spring/Summer)
7 CRC must have a deep appreciation for and understanding of the various requirements of the Voting Rights Act CRC must consider public testimony about communities of interest very seriously CRC needs VRA counsel and a diverse staff CRC’s work must be transparent with a user- friendly website Must allow ample time in schedule for community input before map drawing begins Suggestions for CRC Success
8 Please consider keeping your presentation to15 minutes Please consider limiting your presentation to about 10 PowerPoint slides & consider the usual PPT tips ◦ Don’t overload your slides with too much text or data. If you have additional data you’d like to share consider providing an additional text only handout. ◦ Pictures & graphics help tell your story. ◦ Number your slides so the Commissioners can easily reference them if/when they have questions. ◦ Please plan to bring handouts. [Other suggested considerations from the Center for Collaborative Policy…]
9 Please and if you would like to present Please bring your presentation on a USB drive so it can be projected while you speak. Your presentation will be saved electronically and posted on the wedrawthelines.ca.gov website after the session. Sarah Rubin will distribute a schedule with approximate times that each group will present by 2/24/11. Members of the public or groups that do not register to present 2/26 are welcome to make public comment after those who registered are finished. [Additional preparation information from CCP]