2007 TAX YEARERO TRAINING - MODULE 61 ERO (Transmitter) Training Module 6 Federal and State Installation and Updates
2007 TAX YEARERO TRAINING - MODULE 62 Each address submitted with IRS orders is automatically signed up for the following notifications TaxWise Resident State Click the Notify me by when my products are updated link Receive an notification when a Federal or State update has been released
2007 TAX YEARERO TRAINING - MODULE 63 Simply click to place check marks next to appropriate states The Check All link selects all 1040 states Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save Select the States for which you want to receive initial release and update notifications
2007 TAX YEARERO TRAINING - MODULE 64 Get the latest versions of TaxWise Click Download from the Home page TaxWise Program Updates gives the ability to update one version at a time TaxWise Comprehensive Updates include all updates in one download View Release Notes files prior to downloading
2007 TAX YEARERO TRAINING - MODULE 65 Get the latest versions of TaxWise Updates may automatically download when you get Acknowledgements. If you get an automatic download, you should get a message that asks whether you want to implement that update. I don’t recall the exact wording of that question. If it is implemented then you must also update all other computers.
2007 TAX YEARERO TRAINING - MODULE 66 Major updates will be delivered to both the web and EFC (for automatic download). Major updates will contain all minor updates. A Major update may contain, but not limited to; Federal tax calculations Changes to the e-file record format IRS tax law changes Posted to the Support Site 24 hours prior to being posted to the Electronic Filing Center Required for transmitting What is a major Update?
2007 TAX YEARERO TRAINING - MODULE 67 What is a Minor Update? Minor updates will be delivered to the web only A minor update may contain, but not limited to; Form background changes Correcting typographical errors User interface changes Changes that affect a small percentage of our user base Will be included with the next major update
2007 TAX YEARERO TRAINING - MODULE 68 Click the download icon to begin downloading Each time the federal program is updated, it will be listed on the TaxWise Updates screen Note:Clicking the release notes icon will allow viewing of what is included and/or fixed. Select the appropriate Federal Update to download
2007 TAX YEARERO TRAINING - MODULE 69 Run Option: Allows the installation of the update without saving the installation file to the hard drive Save Option Requires the installation file to be saved to the hard drive before the update can be installed The File Download dialog box will display after selecting the update
2007 TAX YEARERO TRAINING - MODULE 610 Select the destination for the installation file Remember where the file is being saved so it will be easy to locate once the update is ready to be installed Double-click on the installation file to install the update Note:The desktop is the most common location to save a file. Do not save to the UTS08 folder. If the option to save was selected, a Save As dialogue box will be displayed
2007 TAX YEARERO TRAINING - MODULE 611 Simply click Next to continue. The installation has easy to follow on-screen instructions
2007 TAX YEARERO TRAINING - MODULE 612 The installation will give a list of drives available to install the update. Select the drive that TaxWise is installed on Only one drive can be selected at a time
2007 TAX YEARERO TRAINING - MODULE 613 Finishing Up The Update has been installed The update will automatically apply the next time TaxWise is opened Click Finish to continue
2007 TAX YEARERO TRAINING - MODULE 614 Viewing the Readme notes Once the federal update has been installed, the associated readme notes may automatically open Program changes Laser forms New tools and options Close Readme and click Finish to close the update wizard.
2007 TAX YEARERO TRAINING - MODULE 615 Open TaxWise to apply the federal update Click Yes to continue with the update process View the update’s progress
2007 TAX YEARERO TRAINING - MODULE 616 The TaxWise update is now complete Once the update is complete, a pop up will list both the previous version and the newly updated version Click OK and TaxWise will automatically open
2007 TAX YEARERO TRAINING - MODULE 617 Click the State Updates link to access state downloads The latest version of the state is always available All state versions are combined in the update Download state files for initial installation and state updates
2007 TAX YEARERO TRAINING - MODULE 618 Click the Release Notes icon to view important information about the state update Click the Download icon to begin the download process Select the appropriate state module to download from the State Updates sub-page
2007 TAX YEARERO TRAINING - MODULE 619 Open Option: Allows the installation of the state module without saving the installation file to the hard drive Save Option Requires the installation file to be saved to the hard drive before the state module can be installed The File Download dialog box will display after selecting the state
2007 TAX YEARERO TRAINING - MODULE 620 If the option to save was selected, a Save As dialogue box will be displayed Select the destination for the installation file Remember where the file is being saved so it will be easy to locate once the state module is ready to be installed Double-click on the installation file to install the state module Note:The desktop is the most common location to save a file. Do not save to the UTS08 folder.
2007 TAX YEARERO TRAINING - MODULE 621 Simply click Next to continue The State Installation has easy to follow on-screen instructions
2007 TAX YEARERO TRAINING - MODULE 622 There are two options given during the installation of the state module Make a state diskette Allows the user to put the state module on a disk which can be used to install the state on non-networked and/or non-connected computers Install XX Individual to this computer Installs straight to the computer
2007 TAX YEARERO TRAINING - MODULE 623 Select the drive that TaxWise is installed on Only one drive can be selected at a time Select a target drive for the state
2007 TAX YEARERO TRAINING - MODULE 624 The location where the state module was installed will be listed in the confirmation box Click OK in the confirmation box Continue for other setup options Exit the installation Continuing will allow creation of an installation diskette A confirmation box will appear once the installation has been completed
2007 TAX YEARERO TRAINING - MODULE 625 An option to view additional information about the state module will be available via a readme file Release notes can be viewed after the installation has been completed
2007 TAX YEARERO TRAINING - MODULE 626 Install State/Bank Updates Install Federal Updates Transfer State/Bank Updates Transfer Federal Updates Uninstall State/Bank(s) Manage your federal and state updates using the items available in the Tools Menu
2007 TAX YEARERO TRAINING - MODULE 627 Update stand alone computers that do not have internet access Update stand alone computers that have a slow internet connection Use Transfer Federal and State Updates to update non-networked computers
2007 TAX YEARERO TRAINING - MODULE 628 CD-RW Cannot be a CD-R Formatted as a Direct CD by using a 3 rd party software Will only take one CD to complete the process USB Flash Drive Jump drive, thumb drive Will auto install on any Windows XP machine Will only use one drive to complete the process Transfer directly to the drive Transfer Federal and State updates using a CD-RW or a USB Flash Drive
2007 TAX YEARERO TRAINING - MODULE 629 Open the Tools menu Select Transfer Federal Updates… Select the drive and/or directory where you want the update to go Click OK The transfer process will begin Completion box will display Click OK Transferring Federal Updates to a Removable disk
2007 TAX YEARERO TRAINING - MODULE 630 Insert or connect the media you are transferring from Open the Tools menu Select Install Federal Updates… Select the drive and/or directory where the update is stored Click OK The installation process will begin Installing Federal Updates from a removable disk
2007 TAX YEARERO TRAINING - MODULE 631 Click OK on the information box Indicates the updates have been installed Close and reopen TaxWise to complete the installation process Click Yes on the Update Found box The update will apply Follow the on-screen prompts to complete the installation process
2007 TAX YEARERO TRAINING - MODULE 632 Open TaxWise You do not have to log in Open the Help menu Select About TaxWise Verify the version number Click OK Note: You must complete this process on all stand alone computers. Troubleshooting Tip: How can I tell if TaxWise updated to the correct version?
2007 TAX YEARERO TRAINING - MODULE 633 Open the Tools menu Select Transfer State/Bank Updates… Select the state(s) you want to transfer Click OK Note: Make sure you number the disks if you are using floppy disks to transfer multiple states. Selecting the States you want to transfer to stand alone computers
2007 TAX YEARERO TRAINING - MODULE 634 Select the drive and/or directory where you want the update to go Click OK The transfer process will begin Completion box will display Click OK Selecting the drive to transfer State or State Updates
2007 TAX YEARERO TRAINING - MODULE 635 Insert or connect the media you are transferring from Open the Tools menu Select Install State/Bank Updates… Select the drive and/or directory where the update is stored Click OK Installing State Updates from a removable disk
2007 TAX YEARERO TRAINING - MODULE 636 Select the state(s) you want to transfer Click OK TaxWise will display the state version it is installing Click OK when complete Note: Complete this process for all stand alone computers. Select the States you want to install to stand alone computers
2007 TAX YEARERO TRAINING - MODULE 637 Open the TaxWise Utility Program Open the Setup menu Select View Authorization Packages and Options Individual States (Version) Pay Per Return Authorization Troubleshooting Tip: How can I tell if the State installed or updated completely?
2007 TAX YEARERO TRAINING - MODULE 638 Open the TaxWise Utility Program Open the Tools menu Select Uninstall State/Bank (s)… Select the state(s) you want to uninstall Click OK Click OK on the Process complete box Note: You can reinstall the state by going to Install State/Bank Updates Troubleshooting Tip: How can I uninstall a state from my system?
2007 TAX YEARERO TRAINING - MODULE 639 Quick look at what we have covered: Receive notification of updates Download Federal Update Download State Files Transfer Federal Updates to disk Install Federal Updates from disk Transfer State(s) and State updates to disk Install State(s) and State updates from disk Uninstall States What questions do you have before continue? Quick Recap: Federal and State Installation Transfer and Updates