Secret of Lying Vocabulary
Animalistic (adj) Acting like an animal. Acting wildly Often people are animalistic about __________________
Protean (adj) Always changing What is something/someone you have protean feelings about?
Burrow (v) To dig under something List two animals that burrow.
Demented (adj) Insane, crazy, not right Who is a famous demented character from tv or the movies?
Mesmerize To hypnotize, to cast a spell How do girls mesmerize boys?
Coax (v) To convince someone to do something, to encourage. How do you coax your parents to giving you your way?
Hypothermia (n) A medical condition caused by losing too much body heat—can lead to freezing to death.
Drone (v) To talk about something in a boring manner; to go on and on. Who are some people that drone on about things in your life?