GLOBALIZATION INDICES IN INDIA AND EFFECTS ON POVERTY Shouvik Ganguly Y9558 Prashant Khokhar Y9427 Shayandev Sinha Y9546 Ashish Dewaker Y9143
Globalization and Poverty epitomize two of the most pressing issues in India’s growth issues. Globalization and opening up of indian economy has certainly spurred indian economic growth. Unfortunately this growth does not show as evenly and effective in poverty estimates. Our approach was to relate poverty index with growth to determine how much the fruits of growth actually reach the poor. We also studied how the poor and destitute benefit from globalization in specific indian states.
One view which significantly influenced policy decisions in this direction is that the poor benefit from economic growth only indirectly and, therefore, the proportional benefits of growth going to them compared to the rich are always less. Economic growth brings in either an increase or a decrease in inequality; hence, if inequality increases with economic growth, the benefits accruing to the poor would be less than those to the non-poor.
if growth is accompanied by a decline in inequality, benefits received by the poor would be more than those by the non-poor, and under this particular situation growth is said to be pro-poor. in India since 1991, growth has been accompanied by reduction in poverty on a scale, which on an average is seen to be larger than the corresponding decline in the eighties (Sundaram and Tendulkar, 2003).
Following are the objectives which we set to adress in this paper. Poverty measures(Headcount etc.) PEGR and measures of PEGR. To define new measures of PEGR. Define globalization indices. To demonstrate GR & PEGR for india (pre 90,90s & recession). Finding PEGR correlation with globalization for indian state specific data.
But headcount ratio does not take into account the intensity of deprivation suffered by the poor. We now define absolute deprivation Thus the degree of poverty can be measured by average deprivation, which is Which gives the estimates of foster-greenbecke-thorbecke poverty measures α=0, headcount ratio α=1,poverty gap ratio α=2,severity of poverty index
Poverty reduction largely depends on two parameters- economic growth rate and inequality. We inculcate these two parameters η=poverty elasticity w.r.t growth δ=pure growth effecy=t ε=inequality effect Thus the pro-poor growth can be measured by an index(Kalkwani and Pernia 2000). Benefits of growth
Data: Pant and patra.”Rural poverty in an era of economic reforms” Papers The ‘bird of gold’:the rise of india’s consumer market- mckinsey global institute Bhanumurthy,mitra. ”Declining poverty in india” Reddy,pogge. ”How not to count the poor”