A glance at neglect Intimidating people, abusing power, and improperly informing our citizens.
Our local law enforcement agencies have been giving a blind eye to their own employees. Making us feel as if we are being ambushed rather than welcomed. Braking before seeing your speed? Get nervous when you see a police car? It’s because we are taught to be scared of authorities. Unless in dire need, and that’s only if there is easy to follow evidence trail. The police are intimidating, demanding, and improperly informing our citizens.
Police imagery has transformed from Barney Gumble and Andy Griffith’s to Robo Cop. Having officers blacked out from head to toe with a huge assault rifle does not read friendly, it announces “Business” and most people don’t let anything get in the way of that. They hold consequences over your head to force you to comply.
A study from the D.O.J (department of justice) study, in (seven reasons police brutality is systemic, it’s not anecdotal) 61 percent admit they don’t always report 84 percent of police officers report that they’ve seen colleagues use excessive force on civilians Furthering the image that we are not being protected, we are being held back. Pushing us to a corner so we are too scared to make stand.
It is not a spoken rule, how to behave when the officer speaks with you. If you aren’t immediately compliant they began to use forceful language making question sound like commands. A simple question if stopped and pulled out of the car is “can you empty your pockets?” It is not something that you have to do!
In light of recent events of the shooting of John Crawford III and Tamer Rice, a Cleveland police officer had called out NFL player Andrew Hawkins after wearing a shirt stating “justice for John Crawford III and Tamer Rice,” this is what Cleveland Police Patrolman Union President Jeff Follmer sent a Cleveland-area news station a statement “calling for an apology.” This is not what they should be doing in lieu of what transpired.
If you jump on YouTube and search people and their rights vs police you will see how little power police hold, and how they manipulate it. The police count on you not knowing your rights and are able to scare you into being compliant. They aren’t out helping educate communities on the effects of crimes through the community interaction and explaining why it is hurtful or harmful what was being done.
It seems to have become another 9-5 job where they don’t feel appreciated at and just want to clock in and out and go home. We get told that we cannot film the police and that it is interference if you stop to observe police behavior. Receiving threats of jail time for exposing the injustice in the justice system.
Our law enforcement has gone too far and is not able to cover up their blood trail. Not taking much responsibility for mishaps, then trying to sweep it under the rug. With a resent awareness spike in police brutality it has not gone unnoticed.
Seeing the fear coursing through our corrupt justice system, from being held responsible and hopefully facing an over haul of the system.
Work Cited Kristian, Bonnie “Seven Reasons Police Brutality Is Systemic, Not Anecdotal,” The American Conservative July 2, 2014, 6:00 AM, Internet Article. Jacobsen, Morgan, “Police release names of officers involved in Saratoga Springs shooting,” September 19th, 2014, Local internet article. Eichenwald, Kurt/ August 18, 2014, WHY MILITARIZED POLICE DEPARTMENTS DON'T WORK: CONFRONTING ANGRY CITIZENS IN THE GARB OF JACK-BOOTED THUGS DOES PLENTY OF DAMAGE, ACCOMPLISHES NOTHING. Newsweek Global. 8/29/2014, Vol. 163 Issue 8, p p. Article