ED 543 Education and Psychology of Exceptional Children.


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Presentation transcript:

ED 543 Education and Psychology of Exceptional Children

Welcome to the Seminar Dr. Phyllis Schiffer-Simon Seminar Agenda Major Assignments Seminar Topic Q & A

Major Assignments & Weeks Due Reflective Journal – Unit 7 (210 Points) As a degree candidate in the Kaplan University Graduate School of Education, one of the ways in which you will reflect, in writing, upon your knowledge, performance, and dispositions is through the Reflective Journal Assignment, which is required in every course. The artifact that you will choose for this reflective journal is Unit 4’s Study Skills Presentation. The competencies that you will reflect on include: 1. Explain how students learn and develop, and provide developmentally appropriate learning experiences that support student academic, social, and personal growth. 1. Explain how students learn and develop, and provide developmentally appropriate learning experiences that support student academic, social, and personal growth. 2. Plan and provide equitable learning opportunities for students with diverse learning needs and for students from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds.

Major Assignments & Weeks Due Reflective Journal – Unit 7 (210 Points) ‘cont. The three questions include: 1. How does your artifact (designed in this class) show your proficiency or mastery in one or more of the nine Program Competencies? 2. How will your artifact show that your teaching practicing is improving? Or, if you were able to apply this artifact to your field classroom, how did your teaching practice improve? 3. How will your artifact impact your students’ short- or long- term learning? Or, if you were able to apply this artifact to your field classroom, how did it impact your students’ short- or long-term learning? USE THE GRADING RUBRIC AS YOUR GUIDE.

Major Assignments & Weeks Due A Case Study for ADHD Students – A Case Study for ADHD Students – Due Unit 8 Fred is a student who exhibits characteristics of ADHD. He’s frequently inattentive. He submits worksheets that are incomplete, even though the answers he does complete are correct. He also talks out of turn, interrupts other students when they talk, and sometimes offers them rude comments. Sending him to the principal’s office does not seem to help. In a paper, thoroughly address the following questions. Be sure to cite your sources and refer to your course readings. Format the paper using APA style. In a paper, thoroughly address the following questions. Be sure to cite your sources and refer to your course readings. Format the paper using APA style.

A Case Study for ADHD Students Questions 1. What psychological characteristics are associated with this behavior? 2. What is the function of the behavior (the trigger and antecedent)? 3. What interventions would you use to address the behavior? 4. What accommodations would you use to help the student become successful in the classroom? How can Fred organize his time to maximize the learning process?

A Case Study for ADHD Students Questions 1. What classroom management techniques can help this student perform better? 2. What study skills would you recommend to Fred? 3. What physical changes can the student make at home to improve the learning environment? 4. Using the 504 sample form provided for Fred, describe your responsibilities as a teacher. 504 sample form504 sample form USE THE GRADING RUBRIC AS YOUR GUIDE.

Seminar 7 Topic Seminar 7 Topic Autism Spectrum Autism spectrum describes a range of conditions classified as pervasive developmental disorders. pervasive developmental disorders Pervasive developmental disorders include autism and Asperger syndrome.autismAsperger syndrome AutismAutism is characterized by delays before the age of three in one or more of the following domains: 1)social interaction 2)communication 3)repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behavior Social impairments are marked by poor use of nonverbal communication, difficulty in peer relations, lack of social-emotional interaction, and lack of shared enjoyment.

Seminar 7 Topic Seminar 7 Topic Autism Spectrum Communication deficits may include failure to develop speech, use of stereotyped or delayed echolalia, and difficulties maintaining conversations.echolalia Asperger syndromeAsperger syndrome can be distinguished from autism by the lack of delay or deviance in early language development. Individuals with Asperger syndrome do not have significant cognitive delays. An individual with Asperger syndrome typically demonstrates obsessive interest in a single topic or activity. Other symptoms include repetitive routines or rituals, peculiarities in speech and language, inappropriate affect or social behavior, problems with non- verbal communication, and clumsy or uncoordinated motor movements. Because of these difficulties, individuals with Asperger syndrome often have trouble interacting with others.

Seminar 7 Topic Seminar 7 Topic Autism Spectrum An Overview of Recent Autism Statistics in the US - Autism statistics show that the number of children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder has increased every year. One in every one hundred and fifty children are diagnosed with Autism, which is way up from two decades ago when that figure was closer to one in ten thousand. Boys are four times more likely to suffer from Autism Disorders than girls Recent research possibly links it to heavy metal toxicity, environmental factors, and Lyme Disease, there is yet no solid understanding of its direct causes or prevention.

Seminar 7 Topic Seminar 7 Topic Autism Spectrum 1.Why do you think there is such a marked increase in the number of students with this diagnosis? 2.Do you have any personal experience in working with students diagnosed with Autism? 3.What resources are available to help parents and teachers meet the needs of these students? 4.What strategies can the classroom teacher use to effectively educate these students? What would you do if you were the classroom teacher?

Wrap Up Questions and Answers Questions and Answers