► In the early years of the 20 th Century, the area of the Balkans was known as the powder keg or tinderbox of Europe. This was due to the volatile politics in this area. ► Divide a sheet of paper into 2 columns. In one column, list the countries of the Balkans as they were at the outbreak of WWI. In the other column, list the Balkan countries today. Warm-Up: The Powder Keg of Europe Before WWI Present Day
► The main purpose of the 13 th, 14 th, and 15 th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution was to – a)Prevent state governments from limiting the rights of African Americans b)Establish freedom of speech and religion and the right to peaceable assembly c)Give the right to vote to women d)Protect individuals who have been arrested from illegal searches, excessive bail, and cruel and unusual punishment TAKS Warm-Up: The Reconstruction Amendments
Part 4: Setting the Stage for World War I Central-Eastern Europe Russian Revolution U.S. Imperialism & Isolationism System of Alliances
Central & Eastern Europe: The Old Order ► Germany Constitution + 2-house legislature (Lower House is called the Reichstag) Emperor and chancellor (Prime Minister) Emperor controlled the military, foreign policy and government business Emperor Otto von Bismarck and conservative forces tried to keep Germany from becoming a democracy Reichstag
► Austria-Hungary Dual monarchy + constitution + parliamentary system w/ministerial responsibility Reality: Emperor Francis Joseph largely ignored this system Austria still faced conflicts with various nationalities ► A small # of Germans governed Czechs, Poles and other Slavic groups ► Parliament gets agitated = encourages emperor to continue to ignore the parliament Central & Eastern Europe: The Old Order
► Russia Nicholas II believed in the absolute power of the czar Industrialization started late but, picked up quick ► Industrialization came with negative side effects (horrible working & living conditions) ► Socialist parties develop but, are repressed by the government and forced to go underground Central & Eastern Europe: The Old Order
Bloody Sunday ► Winter Palace in St. Petersburg – People come to peacefully protest and ask questions and are shot by Russian troops ► Nicholas is forced to grant civil liberties and create a legislature (Duma) – short- lived January 22, 1905 – Bloody Sunday
The United States ► After Civil War Civil Liberties ► 13 th, 14 th, & 15 th Amendment: “Free, Citizens, Vote” Economy ► Shifted from agrarian to an industrial nation ► 40% of population live in cities ► Largest steel producer in the world ► Immigration: 11 million Europeans immigrate to the U.S. ( ) ► 9% of population control 71% of the wealth
The New Imperialism ► Imperialism: extension of a nation’s power – direct control over vast territories ► Reasons: Source of industrial raw materials Market for manufactured goods Gain advantage over rival nation Social Darwinism: strongest country, strongest race Religion: “White Man’s Burden,” Europeans had a moral responsibility to civilize primitive people
► Expansion Abroad Samoan Islands become U.S. colony Hawaii is annexed for its sugar industry U.S. acquires Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippines in the Spanish-American War New Imperialism – The United States
International Rivalries ► Triple Alliance: Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy Why create alliances? ► Europe feared Germany would upset the balance of power ► Germany feared France would create alliances so they created an alliance with Austria-Hungary first ► Bismarck maintained a separate treaty with Russia and tried to remain on good terms with Great Britain ► Emperor William II fired Bismarck and dropped the treaty with Russia ► This upset Russian so allied with France ► Triple Entente: Russia, France, and Great Britain
Setting the Stage for WWI ► 1878: Greece, Serbia, Romania and Montenegro become independent states Bulgaria remains under Russian protection Bosnia and Herzegovina remain under Austria-Hungary protection Austria-Hungary annexes Bosnia and Herzegovina – Serbia is outraged because they lose chance to create a Serbian Kingdom Russians supported the Serbs – Emperor William II demands that Russia accept the annexation Weakened by Russo-Japanese War, Russia backs down but, vowed revenge Identify each of the groups in the map. Bulgaria Italy Austria- Hungary Germany Monte-Negro Turkey Russia France Great Britain Romania Serbia Greece Portugal Spain Switzerland Belgium Netherlands Norway Sweden Albania Denmark