The Lorax is Finally Heard By: Becca Elmore
The Lorax found the very last seed and he was very pleased.
The habitat of the truffula trees was right outside of town. They were on their way when they saw the Oncler with his great big frown. But then they realized it was the Tooler, his twin brother, and he was sitting down.
The Tooler said that I will help you protect the forest because it is part of my environment too. The Tooler said that he would help them plant them in a few.
They put the UNLESS stone in front of the truffula tree and this was its new niche where it would grow up to be nice and strong. But then they noticed that something was wrong.
There seemed to be pollution in the air so they had to move their tree. So they moved the tree to Gene Pool to make it pollution free.
There were many different species like a humming fish, the brown barbaloops, and the swommy swans. They all were in Gene Poo l to witness the planting of the truffula tree and a new member of the family the ruffle canlawans.
The deforestation almost caused an extinction of all of the animals inside. But luckily they all went to a different ecosystem till the land was not all fried. There was so much diversity and only one forest side.
They needed to find new resources to help keep the tree alive. So they got all of the towns people that lived in Taxol to come and help them survive.
The population of people that were helping started to grow. But none of them noticed the tree that hung low.
The climate was too low so a big storm came and knocked down the tree. So in the place of the tree was a pouch of seeds and the Lorax said “Don’t you see the seeds? There are three!”
Even the old mean lady was helping plant the new trees which was quite surprising. And luckily the trees were rising.
The area where the truffula trees were planted was perfect. It was in a place where none of them would be wrecked.
Even the brown barbaloots were enjoying themselves again. They were the consumers of loads of marshmallows which gave their stomachs much pain.
Their adaptation to their new destination was pretty cool. Now they knew just what to do to protect Gene Pool.
One of the humming fish helped clean up so they made a new place for them. This is called mutualism. They were so pleased to see the town getting along so wellisum.
In Gene Pool there is much biodiversity like the swoomy swans, and the brown barbaloots. The truffula trees were getting very large and there were very long roots.
After the truffula trees die there is a decomposer. The decomposers was called cyanne crosers.
Everyone was pleased with the truffula trees and with the producer that started all of this. Which was the very last seed but most of these did not realize something that they would soon miss.
No one noticed that the Lorax was growing old and was having a hard time walking. So they all had to work really hard to keep the truffula trees alive and not balking.
Everyone had gathered to say their goodbyes. They all had thanked him for all that he had done and he was so wise.
The moral is if you stick with something that you can succeed with it.