What is Progress? A Framework for Progress Jon Hall Global Project, OECD
What is Progress? The word progress (Latin: pro-gredi) improvements, to move forward, to gain Economic progress, Social progress, Scientific progress but above all human progress
What is Progress? Many views … “Is life getting better?”
What is Progress? Many views … But what is clear (to me) is A. Progress is multidimensional B. Progress means different things to different people
Dimensions of Progress Human wellbeing GovernanceCulture Economy Resource demand Human system Ecosystem condition Ecosystem Source: Robert Prescott-Allen, 2008
Human System: Human Well-being
Measures ends or outcomes, including health, knowledge and understanding, freedom and security, relationships, work and play, and subjective well-being The other domains of the Human System represent the supports for human well- being and measure means or outputs - Economy, Governance, and Culture
Human System: Culture
The creative, expressive, and symbolic aspects of a way of life, including art, crafts, food, games, gardens, literature, language, music and religion
Human System: Economy and Governance
Economy: the stocks and flows of an economy (income and wealth) Governance: democratic participation, access to services, order and safety, political rights, responsiveness, and transparency
Ecosystem: Ecosystem Condition
Ecosystem health, including air quality, atmosphere, land, freshwater, oceans and seas, and biodiversity
Resource Demand
Human pressures on the ecosystem – both extraction of resources and pollution Resource Demand
Sets of Indicators If progress is multi dimensional and means different things to different people then one must … Provide a set of measures And allow readers to apply their own weights to form their own view
Sets of Indicators Measures should be “unambiguous" that is have a clear good/bad direction of movement Important to focus on the big picture Important to discuss trade-offs and reinforcements
Progress: Objective and Subjective Components Objective components – longevity, income, air quality The stuff we can measure exactly
Progress: Objective and Subjective Components Subjective components – fear, trust, happiness, life satisfaction Must ask people how they feel Business Confidence Self assessed health
Objective and Subjective Assessments Are Important Level of Subjective well-being highlow Objective living conditions highwell-beingdissonance lowadaptationdeprivation
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